Decoding Microsoft Partner Benefits: Action Pack, Launch, Success Core. Enhance Your Partnership

Anirudh M
2 min readJan 29, 2024


Microsoft Partner Benefits: Action Pack, Launch, Success Core
Microsoft Partner Benefits: Action Pack, Launch, Success Core

It can be confusing to differentiate between Microsoft Partner Launch and Partner Success Core benefits at first glance. While they overlap significantly, there are some key distinctions to consider:

Target Audience:

  • Partner Launch: This offering primarily targets new partners, particularly those joining the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program. It’s designed to help them onboard quickly and gain foundational capabilities.
  • Partner Success Core: This package caters to established partners who are already familiar with Microsoft technologies and seek deeper engagement and growth opportunities.

Key Differences in Benefits:

While both options share common benefits like marketing resources, training materials, and support, some crucial differences exist:

  • Technical Consultation Hours: Partner Success Core grants more technical consultation hours compared to Launch, allowing for deeper technical guidance and problem-solving.
  • Product Licenses: Success Core provides more product licenses across various Microsoft solutions like Azure and Dynamics 365, empowering partners to build advanced solutions and demos.
  • Go-to-Market Toolbox: Only the Success Core benefit includes access to the Go-to-Market Toolbox, offering additional marketing assets and support for co-selling initiatives.
  • Concierge Support: Partners enrolled in Success Core receive dedicated concierge support for tailored guidance and assistance.


Unsurprisingly, Partner Success Core carries a higher annual fee compared to Launch, reflecting the expanded set of benefits and deeper support it offers.

Choosing the Right Option:

The best choice depends on your current stage and goals as a Microsoft partner. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Choose Partner Launch if: You’re new to the program, want to explore Microsoft technologies, and need basic onboarding support.
  • Choose Partner Success Core if: You’re an established partner, actively building solutions, and seeking deeper technical guidance, co-selling support, and access to advanced resources.

Additional Resources:

For a more detailed comparison of benefits and pricing, consult the official Microsoft Partner Benefits page:


Remember, you can always reach out to your designated Microsoft Partner Program representative for personalized guidance on choosing the most suitable benefits package for your specific needs.

