Beginner’s guide to playing Mortal Kombat Mobile

Anirudh Prabhu
7 min readSep 3, 2022


Being absolute of mortal kombat franchise, I couldn’t resist temptation of installing Mk mobile. In this article, I would be providing some practical tips and ways of playing it. With these tips you will have a good collection of gold, silver cards in shortest time.

#Tip1: Always accept free gift

This is series of 10 short ad videos which in total won’t consume more than 15mins in total, however will grant you average of 15–20 souls and 10–20k of koins without playing any match

#Tip2: Collect Bronze pack every 4 hours

Though it’s mentioned as free bronze pack there are chances you might get a silver card.

#Tip3: From card store don’t buy any card packs other than gold pack and silver pack

As a beginner you might get tempted to have diamond characters in your collection. But there are 2 aspects to this tip. Firstly probability of getting a diamond card is very thin. Most of the times you will get a gold card with some support equipment. So opening a Dimond pack which would be mostly for 375–400 souls with thin chance of getting diamond card is not as efficient compared to opening 2 gold card pack each of 150 souls. Gold card pack have 100% guarantee of getting gold characters with decent and sometime good equipment. Secondly at a beginner level you should be focused on building a strong character portfolio which would be composition of bronze, silver and gold characters. With such broad set of characters it will be easy for you to play many modes at same times like quest, battle, faction etc.

#Tip4: Play quest regularly!

Quest is the means by which you can get returns from the game when you are not actively playing it. Now as beginner you will not possess to many characters to play for long in such situations when all the energy of your characters is exhausted you could start 1hr quests. By the time quest is completed you characters would be recharged and you can play again. Also you could take longer quest like ones for 8 to 12hrs when you won’t be active on your phone for long time say when you go to sleep or when you would be travelling for longer duration. However keep in mind shorter quest give small results while longer quest give better results. By better result I mean you would get more souls, equipment’s and sometimes even character cards. I have come across quest in tower 2 which would unlock a gold Kung lao. Now whether a character is good or not is subjective however I’m getting a gold character without spending a souls in free time during which I was not even going to play the game.

After playing for a while when you have sufficient characters, you can conduct mix quest compilations there by trying to increase the yield of your quests.

#Tip5: Play survivor mode

The faction point that you get for playing survivor mode can be tremendous and help you climb faction ladder real fast. Higher you climb on the ladder better rewards you will get. Rewards include rare equipment and gold characters. Also grinding your players in faction war increases their level and thereby increasing their vitals such as attack, toughness etc.

One more thing to keep in mind while getting into faction war is choice of players. Choose 3 players that would yield you maximum faction points per match. For example for my beginner account, spec ops Johnny cage, spec ops Cassie cage and classic Sonya gives me 2200 faction points per match. Thus for every 5 match I play I bump up more than 10k points. Also to be reasonable, If you are not a full time gamer or don’t wanna just be on mobile on the time just target on reaching Kombatant1 rank. It’s very much manageable to reach this level once you have decent number of gold and silver character cards. During initial days you will struggle with initial levels but still attempt. Each reward matters for the profile growth.

#Tip6: Do not buy from store just cause you don’t know what to do with your money

If you opt for all the free goodies that you receive every day, you won’t really need to buy anything. Unless of course you wish to max out your profile in couple of hours. This applies to all the sections under store which asks for real money. Now coming to card packs as mentioned earlier, for people just starting off, focus on buying on gold and silver packs. remember diamond packs are traps. They give you false hope of getting diamond card an you would end up mostly with a gold card instead of 2 gold cards at the same price. Now I make an exception here where there are some packs around 200 souls which give same benefits as a gold card pack plus 50k koins. These packs are totally worth it as gold koins are needed at any point unless you have maxed out every single character you own. The way I go about this is for every gold pack I buy, I also buy a silver card pack. That way I gathered sufficient gold and silver characters under my profile.

Currencies tab is total waste and do not explore it. In character tab, during very beginning stage only focus on buying bronze cards cause they are cheap and bronze cards are your best hope during the early stages. Silver cards are usually around 55k. Buy them if only the characters are rare or you are on the verge of maxing out one of your existing silver cards. Don’t buy it just because you are desperately looking to add characters. It’s a simple math, a silver card pack gives you a character plus equipment plus an upgrade at 30k while a character comes for 55k.

Next is free gifts. No brainer. Do not ignore. You easily earn 30 souls or more plus more than 30k gold watching 15mins of small ads. If you are comfortable you can even fulfill he offers an earn more souls.

#Tip7: Play all the towers

Play whatever tower challenges are there. I doesn’t matter whether you win or loose, there is reward for everything. For a beginner to intermediate accounts all the rewards matter so do not loose these chances.

#Tip8: Complete all the trails

Trial challenges are usually manageable at all the levels and should be fulfilled regularly as they too are rewarding.

#Tip9: Do not crazily exhaust he battle mode

Though these are mostly easy and not so greatly rewarding they help in completing the trial challenges. So use them for trial challenges. It’s helpful as your characters cards will always be at a level where they can beat the challenges in battle mode and fulfill the trial.

#Tip10: Assign equipment in order of their strength to you strongest characters

Whatever value these equipment give is in percentage and calculated on the base values of attack and health of your characters. Strong characters have more attack and health base values and thus better results.

#Tip11: Gradually keep upgrading support cards for your characters

Once your character goes beyond fusion 1 level, these support card start giving noticeable value in all the battles you have. Support cards are of three types: attack, health and recovery. Each of these cards can have up to 10 fusion level. More the fusion levels more effective they are. After every regular intervals you should plan and upgrade these cards.

#Tip12: Gradually keep upgrading all the special attacks

These are game changers when you are playing against opponents with higher health than you. After every regular intervals you should plan and upgrade these.

#Tip13: Don’t be hasty about using level up upgrade cards

Initial level ups of the characters don’t take as much efforts as the later level takes. For example leveling up from level 19 to 20 or 29 to 30 is not as difficult as leveling up from level 59 to 60. Reserve these cards for events where you characters are close to maxing out

#Tip14: Similar to tip 13 don’t be hasty about spending consumables in survival mode

When you are beginner and don’t have any characters who have crossed fusion level 7. There is barely any probability that reviewing them or setting there health full again will make any difference in the next match. Properly assess the chances before using them.

#Tip15: Once your profile crosses level 20 you will have AI enabled game play i.e. AI will play on your behalf

Use this when using your players to grind in faction war. Especially in bronze and silver. On these two types of characters AI game play has very less chance of loosing. However on gold and diamond play manual.

#Tip16: Gather good amount of blood ruby before heading to shop in faction store

Try to buy faction store characters. These are very powerful by themselves and you wont have to worry about their fusion in the very beginning of the game. I personally like scorpion as his passive is very impressive. Even Tanya is also good character from this store.

If you don’t intend to opt for characters and instead want equipment then too there are good options available. Choose the ones that suite your play style (Choose equipment that boost attack strength or shield against damage).

Don’t waste the ruby on buying consumables as you will end up gathering them through various rewards

If you have any suggestions or tips that you have discovered and are effective, feel free to share in the comments



Anirudh Prabhu

Hi i'm Anirudh, I'm a UI Developer with more than 11 years of experience. I'm also author of 4 titles with Apress