CAS: Preferred Funding Token for ICOs Cashaa kumar gaurav

Anirudh Sharma
3 min readJul 21, 2018


Emerging Blockchain giant, Cashaa started its journey in year 2016 with a revolutionary concept to completely transform the Banking sector. So far, team Cashaa have been successful in establishing itself as a brand in the banking solution provider that lets its users to store, save, spend, receive and borrow the local currencies and cryptocurrencies across the globe. Today, Cashaa is among the Top 100 Blockchain companies in the world known for its strategic inputs in conducting successful ICOs at global level. So far, Cashaa has been successful in conducting sale of its EIP 20 token, CAS to deal with the problems being faced by individuals and businesses related to banking.

Let’s recall the ICOs conducted so far and find out How CAS became preferred Funding token for ICOs?

1. Cashaa’s compliant Token Sale held in months of November and December, 2017 abiding with the strict rules resulted in the rejection of more than 14 Million USD became an outstanding example in the industry.

2. Cashaa’s clean and audited source of funds is standing out in front of regulators and is helping Cashaa to acquire regulatory permission to realize its vision of a new generation banking system.

3. Majorly, Cashaa is targeting the companies who want to follow strict KYC and AML guidelines during and after their token sale.

4. Cashaa’s compliance API can be embedded by businesses to solve the AML and KYC issues in minutes and allows thousands of other verified individuals to participate in their ICO with a single click. Any entity which follows the regulations and compliance standards set by Cashaa will get a business banking facility.

5. Furthermore, bank accounts will also be available to community members of these businesses, enabling them to seamlessly manage crypto and fiat currency.

Strategic partnership between Bubblo and Cashaa was the result of the fact that Bubblo, an AI based discovery app very soon realized the potential of CAS and decided to accept CAS tokens for its banking utility during its upcoming token sale. Bubblo enables its users to discover, review and pay food, beverage and retail venues in a decentralised way. Venues can be filtered by price, type, cuisine etc., including live videos and photos available within the BubbloApp, giving visitors a feel of the venue before they visit.

This AI based discovery App powered by IBM Watson’s supercomputer has already partnered with illustrious names such as Airbnb, Uber, Fox Studios and EROS International and raised 6.2 Million USD out of its 20 Million USD hard cap, i.e. it successfully reached the soft cap of 8 Million USD before the presale held on 25th July 2018. Thus, CAS token will be used as a payment method to reward users in participating and providing data through venues. CAS can also be used by businesses to pay their suppliers and by any related company to pay for advertisement in the BubbloApp.

Summing up to these aspects its notable that EIP-20 token, CAS is gaining popularity worldwide and is thereby, becoming preferred funding token for ICOs.

