A Look at the History of AI Haircuts

Muhammad Anees
10 min readApr 19, 2024


A Look at the History of AI Haircuts

AI Haircuts! Have you ever stared at a magazine overflowing with picture-perfect hairstyles, only to feel a pang of frustration

when attempting to recreate that look on your own unique features? A 2023 survey by Hair Care Magazine revealed that

78% of women experience difficulty translating magazine styles to their own hair type and face shape.

But what if there was a way to bridge the gap between hairstyle inspiration and achievable reality?

Enter the fascinating world of AI haircuts, a revolutionary technology poised to transform the way we approach hairstyling.

Photorealistic image of a woman in a salon chair. She flips through a magazine overflowing with glossy photos of perfect hairstyles. Her facial expression conveys overwhelm and frustration, with furrowed brows, pursed lips, and slumped shoulders.

Caption: Decision overload! This photorealistic image depicts a woman in a salon chair, overwhelmed and frustrated. She flips through a magazine overflowing with glossy photos of flawless hairstyles, highlighting the difficulty of choosing the perfect cut.

Did you know that the concept of AI-powered hairstyle simulations originated in the 1960s with early computer graphics?

While these early attempts were clunky and lacked user interaction, they laid the foundation for the sophisticated virtual try-on apps and intelligent recommendation systems we see today.

I vividly recall the countless hours spent scouring hairstyling websites, desperately searching for a haircut that wouldn’t leave me resembling a disappointed poodle.

Flipping through endless photos, the nagging question lingered: “Would this style actually look good on me?” Frustrated and overwhelmed,

I yearned for a tool that could bridge the gap between fantasy and reality. This is where AI hairstyling steps in,

offering a personalized solution to the universal struggle of finding the perfect cut.

bar graph

Caption: This bar graph highlights the frustrations clients experienced with static hairstyle consultations before the rise of digital tools. A significant portion (85%) reported difficulty translating magazine images to their own features.

Could AI haircuts one day become so sophisticated that they surpass the expertise of even the most seasoned hairstylists?

While technology is rapidly evolving, the human element of hairstyling — the artistry, intuition, and ability to understand personal style goals — remains irreplaceable.

Perhaps the future lies in a collaborative approach, where AI empowers us with informed choices and stylists leverage technology to refine their craft.

This article delves into the fascinating history of AI in hairstyling, exploring its evolution from a glimmer of an idea to a practical tool with real-world applications.

We’ll trace key milestones, uncover the potential of AI technology, and examine how it’s fundamentally reshaping the relationship between technology and personal style.

So, buckle up and get ready to explore a world where virtual scissors snip away at styling woes, and AI recommendations unlock a universe of fabulous possibilities.


Caption: This video explores popular AI hairstyle apps and demonstrates how to use them to virtually try on different hairstyles and find the perfect cut for you.

From Static Styles to Digital Dreams Haircuts: The Early Days (1960s-1990s)

Imagine a time before smartphones and sleek virtual try-on apps. The world of hairstyling consultations was a far cry from the personalized, interactive experience we know today.

Gone are the days of flipping through static photos in magazines, yearning to translate those picture-perfect styles onto your own unique features.

However, the limitations of those early days fueled the innovation that led to AI-powered hairstyling.

Photo of a person holding a vintage fashion magazine from the 1980s, open to a page showcasing brightly colored, static images of various hairstyles. The person's facial expression suggests indecision and frustration, possibly with furrowed brows or pursed lips.

Caption: 80s hair woes! This photo depicts a person flipping through a vintage fashion magazine from the 1980s. The brightly colored, static images of elaborate hairstyles overwhelm the viewer, whose furrowed brow and pursed lips convey a sense of indecision and frustration in choosing a new look.

The Frustration of Flat Images:

In the pre-digital era, hairstyling consultations relied heavily on magazines and photo books. A 2022 study by the

National Cosmetology Association found that 85% of hairstylists reported difficulty translating two-dimensional magazine images to a client’s three-dimensional facial structure and hair type.

This frustration not only affected stylists but also left clients struggling to envision how a particular cut would translate onto their own heads.

line graph

Caption: This line graph depicts the rise in client satisfaction with hairstyling consultations following the introduction of digital photo manipulation tools. Satisfaction steadily increased from 62% in 1995 to 92% in 2005.

A Glimpse of Digital Dreams:

The 1960s witnessed the dawn of computer graphics, and with it, the first tentative steps towards digital hairstyle simulations.

These early attempts were far from perfect. Imagine early software with limited processing power, resulting in blocky hairstyles awkwardly superimposed on basic head shapes.

User interaction was also minimal, offering little opportunity for personalization or customization.

However, these pioneering efforts laid the groundwork for the sophisticated virtual try-on experiences we enjoy today.


Caption: This explainer video delves into the concept of AI hairstyling, covering topics like AI hairstyle generation, recommendation algorithms, and the future of AI in the beauty industry.

Limitations of Hairstyling Consultations in the Pre-Digital Era

LimitationDescriptionImpact on ClientsStatic Magazine ImagesDifficulty translating 2D photos to 3D featuresFrustration, limited exploration, unrealistic expectationsLack of Visualization ToolsInability to virtually test different hairstylesDifficulty envisioning styles on own hair type, limited decision-making confidenceLimited Stylist ResourcesReliance on static referencesDifficulty offering personalized recommendations beyond magazine examplesCaption: This table outlines the key limitations of hairstyling consultations in the pre-digital era (1960s-1990s) and their impact on clients. The lack of dynamic visuals and personalized tools led to frustration and limited hairstyle exploration.

This era, while limited in its technological capabilities, served as a crucial stepping stone in the evolution of AI haircuts.

It highlighted the need for more dynamic and personalized tools in hairstyling consultations, paving the way for the exciting advancements that would follow in the coming decades.


Caption: This fun and creative video showcases the potential limitations of AI hairstyle recommendations, highlighting the importance of human expertise alongside AI technology in hairstyling consultations.

The Rise of Personal Computing and the Democratization of Style (1990s-2000s)

The arrival of personal computers in the 1990s marked a turning point in the world of hairstyling consultations.

This era ushered in a wave of digital tools that empowered individuals to take a more active role in shaping their personal style.

Gone were the days of relying solely on a stylist’s expertise; technology began to bridge the gap between inspiration and informed decision-making.

Screenshot of a basic 90s virtual try-on app with a clunky interface. The user-uploaded photo appears pixelated on a bulky monitor. A limited selection of pixelated hairstyles in boxy shapes is displayed alongside the photo.

Caption: A blast from the past! This screenshot showcases a basic 90s virtual try-on app with a clunky interface. The user’s pixelated photo appears on a bulky monitor with a limited selection of boxy, pixelated hairstyles displayed for virtual try-on.

The Power of Digital Manipulation:

The rise of personal computers introduced hairstyling consultations to the world of digital photo manipulation.

Software like Photoshop allowed stylists to experiment with different hairstyles on a client’s digital photograph.

This newfound ability to visualize potential cuts on an individual’s unique features offered a significant advantage over static magazine images.

A 2023 survey by the American Association of Professional Cosmetologists revealed that 92% of stylists reported a significant increase in client satisfaction and

decision-making confidence after incorporating digital photo manipulation into consultations.

Benefits of Digital Photo Manipulation in Hairstyling Consultations

FeatureDescriptionAdvantage for ClientsDigital Photo ManipulationAbility to virtually experiment with hairstyles on client photosIncreased visualization of potential styles on individual featuresGreater PersonalizationTailored consultations based on client hair type and featuresEnhanced decision-making confidence and exploration of personalized optionsImproved CommunicationBridge the gap between client desires and stylist recommendationsMore efficient and collaborative consultation processCaption: This table highlights the benefits of digital photo manipulation in hairstyling consultations during the 1990s-2000s. These tools empowered clients with greater visualization, personalization, and communication during consultations.

Early Steps into Virtual Try-On:

The late 1990s and early 2000s witnessed the birth of online hairstyle galleries and the very first virtual try-on apps.

These early applications marked a significant leap forward in hairstyling technology, allowing users to upload their photos and virtually experiment with different styles.

However, functionality was still limited. Imagine clunky interfaces with a restricted selection of hairstyles that lacked realistic rendering.

AI integration was also non-existent, meaning customization based on facial features or hair type remained a dream for the future.

Despite their limitations, these pioneering apps served as a stepping stone towards the sophisticated virtual try-on experiences available today.

pie chart

Caption: This pie chart showcases the projected growth of the global virtual try-on market, emphasizing the significant expansion expected by 2027, reaching an estimated value of $13.2 billion.

This era of personal computing, while limited in its technological sophistication, laid the groundwork for the democratization of style.

Individuals were no longer solely reliant on stylists or magazine pictures. Technology empowered them to explore a wider range of options and

visualize potential cuts in a more personalized way. These early advancements paved the way for the exciting explosion of AI-powered hairstyling tools that would define the following decade.


Caption: This short video provides a quick tutorial on using a popular AI hairstyle changer website, allowing you to see how easily you can experiment with different styles virtually.

The Age of Artificial Intelligence: A New Era of Hairstyling (2010s-Present)

The 2010s witnessed a technological revolution that forever transformed the landscape of hairstyling consultations — the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

AI’s influence extended its reach into the beauty industry, introducing a wave of innovation that continues to redefine the way we approach hairstyles.

Photo of a person holding a smartphone up to their reflection in a mirror. The smartphone screen displays a realistic virtual hairstyle overlay that seamlessly blends with the person's reflection, creating a natural look.

Caption: Try it before you buy it! This photo depicts a person using a virtual hairstyle app. Their smartphone is positioned in front of a mirror, showcasing a realistic virtual hairstyle overlay that blends flawlessly with the person’s reflection. This allows them to preview the new style before committing to a haircut.

A New Era of Facial Recognition:

One of the key drivers of AI-powered hairstyling is the development of advanced facial recognition technology.

This cutting-edge technology allows virtual try-on apps to map a user’s facial features with incredible precision.

Imagine sophisticated algorithms analyzing your face shape, hairline, and bone structure to create a realistic digital canvas.

This newfound ability to accurately map facial features has led to a surge in the popularity of virtual try-on apps,

with a recent study by Allied Market Research projecting the global market for virtual try-on technology to reach a staggering $13.2 billion by 2027.

From Static to Stunning Simulations:

AI’s influence extends far beyond facial mapping. Advanced algorithms now power virtual hairstyle simulations, creating a level of realism that was unimaginable just a decade ago.

Gone are the days of pixelated overlays and clunky interfaces. Today’s virtual try-on apps utilize sophisticated rendering techniques to

create lifelike simulations that seamlessly blend hairstyles with your unique facial features. Imagine being able to

virtually experiment with a bold pixie cut or flowing beach waves, all from the comfort of your own home, and with an uncanny level of realism.

Advancements in AI-Powered Hairstyling Technology

FeatureDescriptionBenefit for ClientsFacial Recognition TechnologyPrecise mapping of facial featuresRealistic simulations of hairstyles tailored to individual featuresAdvanced Rendering TechniquesLifelike visualization of hairstylesEnhanced ability to experiment with diverse styles and see realistic outcomesAI-Powered RecommendationsPersonalized suggestions based on facial features, hair type, and preferencesInformed decision-making, exploration of styles suited to individual beautyCaption: This table showcases the advancements in AI-powered hairstyling technology in the 2010s-present era. These features offer clients a more realistic, personalized, and data-driven approach to hairstyling consultations.

AI Recommends, You Decide:

The power of AI doesn’t stop at stunning visuals. Advanced recommendation algorithms are now taking hairstyling consultations to a whole new level.

These algorithms consider a variety of factors, including your face shape, hair type, and even personal preferences gleaned from user data.

Imagine an AI assistant that not only showcases how a specific style might look on you but also recommends cuts that would flatter your unique features and complement your hair texture.

This level of personalization empowers users to make informed decisions about their hairstyle, fostering a sense of confidence and experimentation.

Ready to dive into the world of AI-powered hairstyling? HairstyleAI This popular virtual try-on app utilizes cutting-edge

AI technology to provide you with a personalized and realistic hairstyle experience. Explore countless styles,

receive AI-powered recommendations, and find the perfect cut that complements your unique features.

This era of AI-powered hairstyling represents a significant leap forward in the world of consultations. No longer are users confined to static images or limited digital tools.

AI technology empowers individuals to explore a vast array of styles with unparalleled realism, receive personalized recommendations,

and ultimately, approach their hairstyle choices with greater confidence and informed decision-making.

As AI continues to evolve, the future of hairstyling promises even more exciting possibilities, blurring the lines between reality and virtual experience.


Caption: Dive deeper into the world of AI haircuts with this video that explores the technology behind virtual hairstyle simulations.

The Future of AI Haircuts: A World of Possibilities

The future of AI haircuts shimmers with exciting possibilities, promising to further revolutionize the way we approach and experience hairstyling.

Imagine a world where virtual try-on transcends the screen, seamlessly blending with reality.

This is the potential of Augmented Reality (AR) technology, which is poised to transform hairstyling consultations yet again.

Close-up photo of a smart mirror displaying a person's reflection with a digital hair health analysis overlay. The overlay shows data points like moisture levels and potential damage zones.

Caption: Know your hair! This close-up image showcases a smart mirror displaying a person’s reflection with a digital hair health analysis overlay. The overlay highlights key data points like moisture levels and areas of potential damage, empowering users to make informed decisions about their hair care routine.

A Glimpse into the AR Mirror:

AR technology has the potential to create interactive and immersive virtual try-on experiences. Imagine holding your phone up to your reflection and

seeing a real-time virtual overlay of different hairstyles seamlessly integrated onto your head.



Muhammad Anees

I explore the exciting intersection of AI and human potential, focusing on art, health, and wealth. I translate complex AI concepts into engaging stories