Dear Friend.

1 min readJun 16, 2023


Hi, and welcome to one of my first blogs, within the medium world. I’m O.T.A, a Front End developer for a high school non-profit, prominent blogger on platforms like hashnode and, and lover of writing and tech.

This is sort of a new beginning for me, as that recently I took a break from blogging ( something I have been doing for nearly 2 years know ). With school, low grades and low confidence, my life was as synonym for a compost pile. Slowly decomposing, taking all my motivation for work away.

Then there was the thought, that I am not a good writer, I shouldn’t be giving advice at my age, I shouldn’t be teaching CS concepts/school curriculum. My mind would just be every where all at once.

Writing was never supposed to be a stressful process, but a stress free activity. It was something I could go to, teach people other concepts, so that I could have a better understanding of it myself. But it in the end it just became a burden, one without any reward.

I want to learn, teach, and explore this online world. I want to help students focus better and learn quicker. That was the goal, not money.

Well, that was sort of a rant, but thank you for reading this short snippet anyways.

To new beginnings,

Your Friend,





Hello, I am O.T.A a High school developer, playing around with Frontend devlopement with in react. As well to that I love to teach what I learn.