Cheating on Yourself with.. Love!

Anisha Sharma
2 min readNov 7, 2017


Before you start : ‘L’ove, ‘y’ou and ‘Y’ou… there are little hidden meanings to these things.. try to catch them..!!

So you were planning to avoid any distractions till you have finally accomplished your dreams, but then Love happened. When it appeared, you were mesmerized, charmed, entangled by its beauty. It happened so soon, and very soon you had the arms of love tied around you, you were Loved,marked and then… when Love released you from its grip, you realized what you have done.

Your vision had been hazy, you had lost the sight of your aim, and you didn’t know the directions anymore. The marks, void and the scars Love left you with , reminded you of the time spent, and now, Love was no more there to fill that space.

Now you cannot move on, because the scars on your soul still remind you the touch of Love.

You want to move on but how to cheat on the remains Love still present in your heart??

But did you realize that being single also means something? It means being committed to yourself. You were cheating on yourself with Love. Now, you are back with You and are given another chance and will be given another and another each time you cheat.

But again.. what if you commit a mistake in a marriage and cheat. You go back to your life and continue with your spouse. Similar is being committed to yourself. So go ahead, you will learn to be loyal to You after many many mistakes.

So fine.. make mistakes, meet ‘Loves’, forgive yourself for cheating on you, Stop worrying about forgiving Love, here we are concerned only about You. Do not forget your commitment to your relationship with You.

And while realizing all of this, did You feel those marks feeling meaningless? Did you accept a mistake for a mistake and forgive Yourself for cheating on you? Good, between you and You, Love will never have a place.

Go ahead.. now it is your life to live… gloriously single!!!

