Make your Old Marble Tile to Look New Again

anish dsapone
4 min readMay 28, 2019


Marble stone is not only a costly investment but also high-maintenance. It often gets dirty, stained and moldy and requires you to scrub and scour it regularly to maintain its sheen. In spite of spending so many hours on cleaning marble tile, you find it to start looking dull after a few months and you ignore it thinking its an age-related issue. But what if we tell you that with new innovative technologies, marble tile maintenance has not only been reduced to minimum but it is now possible to retain the sheen of the surface for long? New revolutionary procedures have also made it possible to restore the lost sheen and make your tile look like new again. A detailed marble floor restoration can rip off the deep rooted stains and mold, repair the cracks and also prevent the occurrence of stains, while delivering a glossy finish to the marble tile. Let us see what this procedure is all about…

Marble Cleaning Service

What Makes the Marble Tile Lose its Sheen and Lustre?

  • Marble is porous like all other natural stones and has the tendency to absorb all kinds of liquids and moisture into its pores.
  • This dampness prevalent inside leads to mold and mildew breeding, which not only tarnish the aesthetics of the stone, but also cause many health hazards like respiratory problems and eye problems, while leaving an ugly looking greenish black stain.
  • Marble easily gets stained due to food and beverage spills and these stains enter deep inside the pores getting rooted inside.
  • Acidic cleaners often cause etching on the surface. Etching makes the surface abrasive and when any spills collect in the abrasive surface, the stains become even more prominent.
  • Regular dirt, dust and grime accumulating on the surface further lead to lustre loss.

How can you Make your Old Marble Tile Look Like New Again?

To make your old marble tile look like new again, you need to make your stone undergo a rigorous restoration procedure. This has to be done systematically in a step-by-step method to attain best results…

Cleaning Marble Stone with Robust Cleaners:

You need to use a penetrating cleaner to knock off the deep-rooted mold and stains from the surface while performing marble cleaning. An alkaline cleaner is most recommended for tile and grout cleaning, because it will not cause etching on the surface. A thoroughly sanitized surface speaks for itself and also enhances the look of your decor.

Repairing Cracks on Marble Stone and Grout with Powerful Adhesives:

The chips and cracks on your marble stone and grout contribute to it looking dull and old. Grout often cracks or goes missing in some places, giving a very unmaintained look to your overall surface. Cracks in marble tile not only harm the look of your flooring but also make water stagnant in them. Stagnant water, again, is excellent for mold and mildew breeding. The sharp edges of your flooring might hurt anyone walking barefoot on them. While performing marble floor restorations, ensure that you repair all the cracks in your marble tile and grout using strong resin fillers. New age resin adhesives perform a seamless tile and grout repair job without imparting a bulky look and get a sleek and natural appearance of your flooring.

Cracked Tile Repair

Protecting the Grout Using Epoxy Resin Sealers:

If you seal the surface without sealing the grout, the moisture present in its pores will lead to mold formation again. Once the grout and tile are ripped off tough stains and mold, you will find a scoured surface beneath. You need to wait till the grout lines are completely dry, and then you should coat them using an epoxy resin sealer, making the surface waterproof to prevent further staining.

Sealing the Marble Tile Using Clear Resin Solvent Based Sealers:

Only cleaning and repairing tile and grout does not guarantee that stains will not form again. You need to seal the surfaces and make them waterproof to avoid further water absorption and eventual mold breeding. Your marble floor restoration will go the next level, after you seal your flooring. For marble sealing, you can use a waterproof sealer to seal the surface, thereby preventing staining issues.

Delivering that Natural Looking Sheen to Marble Tile:

Lastly, a marble polishing procedure can render a natural looking sheen to your marble tile, just like it had when it was new. Make your old marble tile look like new again by polishing the surface with a clear resin topical solvent based sealer, which will coat the sealer and the tile at the same time, while delivering that long lasting sheen.

If the above mentioned steps seem too unnerving to you, you can contact professionals for marble restorations in Brooklyn. One such company is D’Sapone Restorations-Brooklyn, which offers excellent restoration services at the hands of highly-trained experts. We also offer a 5 year labor warranty on our services, which is an added advantage.

