Botanix Layer 2

2 min readSep 20, 2023


Botanix Introduces Spiderchain, a New Primitive for Second-Layer Blockchains

Botanix Labs has introduced the Spiderchain, a new primitive for second-layer blockchains. The Spiderchain is a series of successive multisigs between Botanix Orchestrators, which are decentralized multisig wallets. This effectively creates a network that safeguards the Bitcoin of the Botanix chain.

The Spiderchain can be seen as a form of collateral that is stuck in this decentralized multisig network. This effectively separates Bitcoin “the asset” and Bitcoin “the blockchain”. By securing the Bitcoin present on Botanix in a decentralized chain of multisigs, it separates Bitcoin from the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). This allows for a transition from Bitcoin’s UTXO model to an account model used in the EVM.

The Spiderchain has several advantages over other sidechain designs. First, it does not involve miners directly in consensus or use merge-mining in any of its variant forms. Second, it uses multisig and escrow bonds to create a second layer proof-of-stake system on top of Bitcoin. Third, it does not require any changes to Bitcoin in order to deploy.

The Spiderchain is still under development, but it has the potential to revolutionize the way that Bitcoin is used. By unlocking the programmability of Bitcoin without sacrificing its security, the Spiderchain could enable a new wave of innovation in the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Potential Benefits of the Spiderchain

The Spiderchain has the potential to offer a number of benefits to users, including:

  • Increased security: The Spiderchain’s decentralized multisig design makes it highly resistant to attack.
  • Improved scalability: The Spiderchain can handle a much higher volume of transactions than the Bitcoin blockchain itself.
  • Greater programmability: The Spiderchain allows for the development of smart contracts and other decentralized applications on top of Bitcoin.
  • Reduced costs: The Spiderchain can help to reduce the transaction fees associated with using Bitcoin.


The Spiderchain is a promising new technology that has the potential to make Bitcoin more accessible and useful to a wider range of users. It is still under development, but it is worth keeping an eye on as it progresses.

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