Event Sourcing Pattern

Anit George
2 min readDec 19, 2022


In software development, event sourcing is a design pattern that involves storing a log of all changes made to the state of an application as a sequence of events. This allows the state of the application to be reconstructed at any point in time by replaying the events in the log.

Event sourcing can be used in conjunction with other architectural patterns, such as microservices, to create a more flexible and scalable system. It can also be used to support the development of more complex applications, such as those that require real-time data processing or those that need to be able to handle large volumes of data.

There are a few key components that are typically included in an event sourcing architecture:

  1. Events: These are records of changes that have been made to the state of the application. Each event should include enough information to fully describe the change that was made.
  2. Event store: This is a database or other storage mechanism that is used to store the events in the system. It should be designed to support fast read and write access to the events.
  3. Event processors: These are components that are responsible for applying the events to the current state of the application. This can be done in real-time as the events are received, or it can be done as a batch process at regular intervals.
  4. Event listeners: These are components that are responsible for reacting to events as they are processed. They can be used to trigger additional processing or to send notifications to other systems or users.

By using event sourcing, developers can create systems that are more resilient and easier to maintain. It also enables them to make changes to the system more easily, since they can simply add new events to the event store rather than having to make changes to the underlying database schema.

