Warning — side effects are ….

Anita Adams
1 min readFeb 6, 2020


…. death

for those who struggle with addiction

compassion is the salve

listening the love

another day — the hope

a friend asked recently, do you think, any person woke up one day and said — I want to be an addict? No!

Prescribed addiction happens every day — the numbers of exceed more than I can count— who’s prescribing — doctors, pharmacists, FDA, those who fund these organizations and invest in them to line their pockets.

Who’s suffering the consequences? Who’s dying? Who cares? I know the FDA does not, as I have reported the abuse prescribed by a neurologist for a muscular disorder known as spastic torticollis or dystonia. Who’s offering to compensate those who unknowingly became physically dependent on a prescribed medication and when they decided to stop taking the prescribed medication found out that their brain had been altered so much, that thoughts of suicide were an every day occurrence, with night terrors, tremors, anxiety, light and sound sensitivities, memory loss and lapses.

Warning: do not take benzodiazepines — side effects are death!

