Pencils, Personal Statements, and Perseverance: My Grad School Application Journey (Part 1)

Anita Makori
4 min readAug 22, 2023



In the pursuit of our dreams, the path is often marked by trials and challenges that test our determination and resilience. My journey to pursue graduate studies abroad was no exception. As I reflect on the twists and turns that brought me to where I am today, I can’t help but marvel at the growth and transformation that occurred along the way.

This first installment explores the initial excitement, misguided motivations, and the ultimate turning point that reshaped my perspective on success.

A dream takes root

The dream of pursuing advanced studies abroad was etched in my mind long before I embarked on my undergraduate journey. Throughout my years as an undergrad, I wore my ambition like a badge of honor, sharing my plans with anyone willing to listen. The allure of mastering my field on an international stage fueled my motivation. So, when the time came to apply in 2020, even before donning my graduation cap, I was eager to seize the opportunity.

Misguided Motivation

As I reflect on those early applications, it’s clear that my enthusiasm, while genuine, was somewhat misguided. My sole purpose was to achieve my long-held dream of studying abroad — a desire that, while valid, proved insufficient to captivate the admissions committees. Unsurprisingly, rejection followed rejection, serving as a wake-up call that my application lacked the depth and authenticity needed to stand out.

A Change in Perspective

Fast-forward to 2021, a year marked not only by a global pandemic but also by my entry into the world of health research and data science (a story for another day). This new chapter exposed me to the gaps in research that needed addressing, shifting my focus from mere personal ambition to a genuine desire to contribute meaningfully. Armed with this evolved perspective, I embarked on another round of applications, this time to institutions like the University of Glasgow and the prestigious University of Oxford.

Triumph Amid Tears

The pivotal moment arrived in the form of an email — one that had the power to shatter my self-doubt and redefine my journey. I vividly remember that morning in Nyeri-Aberdare, amidst intermittent internet connectivity, when the message announced my acceptance into the University of Oxford. Overwhelmed by emotion, I didn’t hold back my tears, embracing the significance of this achievement. Even the presence of colleagues during breakfast couldn’t curb my outpouring of joy, and the supportive atmosphere that followed only heightened the celebration.

The morning I read the email informing me that I had been accepted to go to Oxford :) (peep my teary eyes)

Unforeseen Challenges

However, the triumph of acceptance was only the beginning of my graduate journey. The offer letter outlined conditions, some of which were achievable, like submitting official transcripts. However, the financial requirements presented a more formidable obstacle. To prove my ability to cover tuition and living expenses totaling around 60,000 pounds, I needed to secure funding. Naively, I had assumed that my application for the Oxford-based WHT scholarship would suffice. The letter had indicated that scholarship decisions would be made between April and June, and I had confidence that success was inevitable. Yet, as months passed and the communication remained silent, I realized that my assumptions were far from the truth.

My work desk set-up was not subtle at all :)

A Rude Awakening

Despite my optimism, the scholarship news never arrived, leaving me to confront a harsh reality. While I had secured admission into Oxford, the financial gap was significant, and my once-confident assumptions crumbled. My subsequent communication with the department led to the revelation that Oxford upheld a strict no-deferral policy, forcing me to confront the fact that I might not be realizing my dream after all.


As I reflect on this tumultuous chapter of my journey, I am reminded that the path to triumph is rarely linear. Part 1 of my grad school application saga is a testament to the fact that passion and determination, while essential, must be complemented by strategic planning and adaptability. Join me in part 2 as I share how I picked up the pieces of my shattered dream, navigated through moments of vulnerability, and embarked on a path of renewed purpose and resilience.



Anita Makori

Health Data Science | Creative Writing | Grad School | Applied Epidemiology | I write to share my thoughts and experiences