The Power of Contentment

Anjali Bansal
5 min readJul 21, 2020


If you are not happy with what you have or who you are, you are never going to be happy with what you want or who you want to become. The Power of Contentment is the key to all the happiness in life.

Now, what is contentment and why is it so important?

Contentment means the beauty of being satisfied with what you have and who you are already and once you are satisfied with it you are never sad. You will always be in a state of bliss and peace of mind. Contentment is powerful because it gives you a space to become the best version of yourself and fulfil things you want to do.

One can argue that if someone is satisfied with whatever they have, it would stop the progress of that person. Let us not confuse growth with greed. As a human, we always want to stay happy but if you are always wanting more, you can never be happy with what you have. Instead of spending time on chasing more stuffs, you can spend your time on realising your potential and contributing to it. Being content does not mean just staying where you are, in fact it’s the opposite, you will get better because you are more motivated and happy about your achievement in life so far and you are working towards becoming better at it. By this process you achieve more.

The process of contentment is not going to happen overnight, however if you are following the below key things it will surely happen for you:

1. Being Thankful:

One of the major lacking thing that we have developed as human being is that we are never thankful for what we have. We always want everything in plenty. In order to attain contentment we need to learn to become thankful to God, people around us and every person who plays certain role in our lives. There are people on the street who do not have food to eat, proper clothes to wear and roof over their head. Many people do not have a family, money for decent survival and the list goes on. Now think, are we not at a better state in our life? Then why do we have to complain. By learning the art of being thankful for everything that exist in your life, you will gradually start being content with whatever you have.

2. Take a Pause in Life:

We are in a kind of race in our lives where we do not get time to think what really matters, whether it’s the number in our bank account or spending time with our family and friends. Learn to take a pause and rewind your life to the ground rules and you will get the answer. Whenever you are unhappy or disappointed with someone or something, think about the good it has brought to you. Trust me gradually you will start being less disappointed and upset over it. Thus, taking a pause in your life gives you a chance to do an assessment of your life and makes you realise that everything in life will have its pros and cons, it depends on us to focus on what is more important.

3. Learn to Ignore:

Ignoring does not mean being careless or less responsible. In life there are things that are beyond your control. You cannot expect things to be in your way every time and once you accept this fact life would be much simpler for you. When things are going beyond your control just halt and think if you can do something about the situation you are in. If yes, go ahead and do it; if not, then stop wrecking your head over it. It will not resolve your problem rather will make you restless and worried. Your peace of mind is very important for attaining contentment.

4. Focus on Essentials:

The art of focusing on what is essential will bring you immense sense of satisfaction in life. When you start drawing a line to your wants, you focus on what is really necessary. Wants are limitless, hence the desire to fulfil it, is a never ending process. If you are not content with what you have no matter how much you get, your quest will never be satisfied. It is very important to narrow down your desire from luxury to basic. Remember, simpler the life, more the happy you are.

5. Learn to cherish small things:

Happiness comes in small packages, it cannot be bought or sold. Instead of wanting expensive things learn to find happiness in small things. Let me ask you a question- What is more important, A man driving his BMW with no time for his family or a man walking on the street with his loved one spending quality time with each other? Choose you answer wisely. Until you learn to cherish small things in your life, you can never be happy with larger things.

6. Takeout time for Yourself:

It is very important to take out time for yourself. It gives you a chance to refuel. Enjoy time with yourself, do whatever you love doing. It is not necessary to be hard on yourself every time. It is good to keep it loose at times. There is no better judge for you, then yourself. A time with yourself allows you to see how far you have come from where you had started and how far can you reach from where you are now.

With the power of contentment you can achieve the goals you have always dreamt of because you are at peace of mind, happy at heart, full of zeal in life and open for opportunities that comes your way. Learning to be happy is just like learning to drive a car. It takes time and regular practice to accept where you are. With constant practice you will surely attain this power within you.

