Why Web Designing is still important in 2023?

Cyber Vision Infotech Netherlands
4 min readJan 24, 2023

In the year 2023, there will be an increasing number of ways for businesses to interact with their clients. You can also suggest that websites are now less important as the number of apps, browser extensions, social media feeds, newsletters, vlogs, and podcasts grows. Web designing from a reputed Web Development Agency in Netherlands on the other hand, will continue to be an indispensable component of the digital landscape into 2023 and beyond.

The importance of websites as the foundation of a centralized, privately managed digital experience cannot be overstated. Websites, in contrast to competing technologies, provide skilled designers and developers with an opportunity to compete against the biggest names in their clients’ industries in a way that is simply not possible in tightly regulated systems like social media.

Quality web design not only assists businesses in increasing traffic, but it can also improve the quality of that traffic; Users will be more likely to stay on a page and read more of the content it links to if it is appealing and easy to use.

Websites vs. Social Media

For many brands, social media is the way to connect with customers. Particularly platforms like Instagram and Facebook. While billions of us enjoy wasting our free time on social media, it is not a good place to make informed decisions or complete tasks. Websites outperform other forms of productivity in every way:

Websites can be tailored to a company’s vision and values, whereas the app functionalities that reflect the company’s values tend to be highlighted on social media.

  • Ownership: When you post to social media, the platform typically owns your content, whereas when you publish on your website, you own the content.
  • Discoverable: Websites can be found on search engines, which are controlled by algorithms. However, competition among search engines keeps search engines honest. Since all social media platforms use the same algorithm, they are free to skew browsing in any way they see fit.
  • Scalability: While social media users are influenced by the decisions made by the network, websites can benefit from the most recent technologies to enhance their user experience.
  • Websites Vs apps: A connected app gives the impression of owning a piece of the internet. However, compared to an app, websites offer a number of advantages, including a superior user experience and lower development costs. Additionally, apps are ultimately managed by third parties.
  • Accessibility: Websites can be accessed by anyone, whereas apps typically only work on certain platforms or operating systems. The store owner can (and will) change the terms and conditions of store distribution without consulting you if you want to distribute to devices.
  • Adaptability: Websites offer more adaptability and scalability than apps do.
  • Cost-effective: A straightforward website can be built and launched in a weekend and is significantly less expensive to develop and maintain than apps.
  • Findability: It is much simpler to create a discoverable website than an app that ranks highly in an app store because search engines have evolved around website technologies.
  • Universality: Users can get started with websites without having to download anything or make any purchases.
  • Third-party functions: Third-party content, such as chatbots, payment gateways, and forms, can be integrated into websites; however, app inclusion typically necessitates licensing.
  • Websites versus Podcasts and Vlogs: Podcasts and Vlogs are, without a doubt, engaging forms of content. However, the variety of experiences they can have is severely restricted. These are typically linear, passive experiences. Even if your podcast allows listeners to interact with it, they will still be passive consumers.
  • Cost-effective: While podcasts and vlogs require high production values to compete, websites can be set up for a low cost.
  • Longevity: A vlog or podcast, on the other hand, typically only lasts a few months, whereas well-written website content can remain relevant for years.
  • Flexibility: Virtually any type of content, including podcasts and vlogs, can be embedded on websites; Podcasts and vlogs can never be anything other than that. Even after podcasts become obsolete, websites will continue to evolve.
  • Simple: The creation of a website is now possible with little to no expertise thanks to a variety of no-code options. Producing podcasts and vlogs necessitates extensive technical expertise.
  • Easy to optimize: When it comes to search engine optimization, podcasts and vlogs, like other technologies, cannot compete with websites.
  • Faster: A well-designed website costs less and is easier to access, especially on a cellular network, because it is much more compatible than a podcast or vlog.

Future of Website Designing in 2023 and Beyond

Websites will still be an important part of a business strategy that works, and web designers will still be important members of any team.

Websites continue to offer numerous advantages over other technologies, including improved search engine opportunities, increased flexibility, and cost-effectiveness.

Websites can be completely customized to match a brand’s tone and style, in contrast to social media platforms, which only allow you to customize a few assets like avatars and colors. Additionally, compared to podcasts, vlogs, and apps, the entry barrier for websites is significantly lower. Although apps may have more features than websites, their limitations on platform and device capabilities outweigh this advantage.

As technology evolves, websites will continue to change. Over time, new methods for consuming digital media will emerge, providing novel experiences — for instance, the widespread adoption of Augmented Reality (AR) is just around the corner. The website, on the other hand, is perfectly adapted to the kinds of straightforward customer interaction that businesses rely on and will continue to be important in 2023 and beyond.

