GSoC’18 15th Coding Week

1 min readJul 30, 2018


This blog is in continuation with my previous blog GSoC’18 14th Coding Week. This week covered the following tasks:

Report PDF Implementation

The volunteer will get a PDF of reports upon the confirmation email. It is implemented using WeasyPrint and easy_pdf app in django.

Vola API

The API using Django Rest Framework will send data related to events which will be used by Vola(Volunteers Android) app.

Fixing tests for the PRs

  1. Validation of organization
  2. Location Validation
  3. Vola API
  4. Report PDF
  5. Job Search

Location Validation took a lot of time(more than a day and a half) as it involved changing the city, state, country in all the apps. Still the ajax is not working in the tests, which needs to be seen.

Vola API documentation, Auto Deployment, UI upgradation will also be completed by the next week.




Student Developer at GSoC | Programmer | Applied Mathematics Undergrad at IITR