GSoC’18 First Phase Evaluations

2 min readJun 17, 2018


This blog covers the evaluation time for the First Coding Phase. This is in continuation with my previous blog GSoC’18 Fourth Coding Week.

In this week, I had to present all the work I had done in Phase 1. Thus I delivered the demo through a presentation in the Weekly Meeting. My mentors and administrators liked my work and the presentation. I was feeling quite nervous about the evaluations.

The administrators had prepared a Student Rubric. Timely submission of blogs, wiki report, weekly Prs and scrum check-ins are important factors for the evaluation. Further more, attendance in weekly meetings, one-one interaction with mentors and aid given to other community members also played a significant role in the process.

I was quite worried whether I would pass or not. May posted it on the channel, that missing even one scrum could lead to failure and I knew that I had missed one.

Also, we also need to submit the evaluation form, otherwise the student automatically gets failed. Fearing this, I submitted the form 3 days before. And yeah, it was editable.

I also added some fields in VMS to help it communicate with Portal API in the week. My friends were planning to stay over at a friend’s house for the weekend. Since I was worried for the evaluations, I was reluctant for the stay.

But my mom consoled me and said that it could be a nice break after Phase 1. We were having dinner when suddenly one of my friend who was also doing GSoC told me that the evaluation results are out.

I left the dinner, crossed my fingers and just logged in the gsoc website. At first, I wasn’t able to find out where it was. Seeing this, my other friends joined me too. Finally we found the result and it stated “passed”. I hugged my friends and was overjoyed. We had a great weekend ahead, watched movies, spent nights chatting and stuff.

One thing I have learnt and decided is for the Phase 2, I’ll improve upon all my weak points. Also I’ll try my best to not miss a single deadline. Looking forward for the Phase 2.




Student Developer at GSoC | Programmer | Applied Mathematics Undergrad at IITR