Data Analytics — help a mom

Data Mom
2 min readOct 29, 2022

As a busy mom of 2 kids and a dog, 24 hours don’t seem to be enough for me. I try to keep up, but failure seems to be a constant through out my day. I have learnt to live with it now. Day starts with waking up a sleepy child and pushing him to get ready for school. Getting the dog out of crate and continuously being stared until his breakfast is served. Then the little toddler waking up and expecting all the attention. Unmet expectations start right there. However, this hustle bustle is what keeps me motivated for my job in data space.

Churning through data and getting insights is a strenuous exercise but quite informative if done right. This is when I wondered, if this data analytics would help a mom that’s when its worth all the hype. If anyone is listening here is what moms want to know from analytics on a mobile app.

Accurate prediction of weather to begin. Why is weatherman always wrong? I don’t know whether my son needs muddy buddies or running shoes and most of the times I am wrong. When do I take my dog for walk and not come home drenched and with wet dog paw print and smell?

What to give for lunch and snack? Why is it so hard to decide on lunch menu everyday? I wish it was easier and predictable and made everyone somewhat happy.

Will my son come home with itchy throat today and spread the love to the family? How do I track their allergies and sickness?

How much time will he spend on video games and which ones and what is the right mix? I know its individual but c’mon we all need reference to feel less guilty 😊

Will my little girl eat her banana today or its orange day? Will she nap at right times or its again going to be a night out for me?

How many take out orders in a week and what’s for dinner, such a big question?

The questions are endless as are possibilities for data analytics. I believe that data analytics has the potential and will become much more valuable when it’s used to solve genuine problems ethically rather than serve big companies to make profit by tapping on customer behavior not always ethically.

Moms and dads, please add your wish list 😊 and enjoy parenthood.

