How Voice Search Will Impact SEO In 2018?

Anjali Kapoor
3 min readApr 9, 2018


The voice search feature on search engines is increasingly gaining popularity across the globe. According to a recent survey, around 20% of the mobile users use the voice search feature on Google. In order to optimize your website to voice searches, you need to seek the SEO Services from a reputed company. It is necessary to identify the natural flow of words of humans, when they search for a product and optimize your website accordingly. Various personal assistant apps are coming up these days, which enable the smartphone users to search for products, services and information they need. When you reach out to an SEO Company, the experts will optimize your website to the natural voice searches. This will increase the traffic inflow into your website.

Text search and voice search: The key differences

The key difference between text and voice searches lie in the accuracy level, that the customer gets. As most of the companies optimize their websites with keywords for text search, voice searches often do not yield accurate results. Therefore, you need to optimize your website for both these types of searches. This will prevent the users from getting irrelevant information when they make the searches. You should reach out to an SEO Services Company to get the website optimized to voice searches. This will help your customers to get relevant search results.

How does voice search impact SEO?

Well, the set of keywords for voice search optimization is different from the ones that people use during text searches. Accordingly, the websites need to be optimized to get relevant results. When you reach out to the companies for SEO Services, you can get the site optimized to the natural voice searches. Here are certain voice search optimization tips, that you might find beneficial.

Adding a FAQ page

In case you have not yet integrated a FAQ page into your website, you should come up with one, that can provide all the necessary information to your customers. These will answer the common questions that your customers may have. When you reach out to the SEO Services Company, the experts will optimize the page with keywords relevant to voice searches.

Online searches are of three broad categories, navigational, informational and transactional. You can answer the common questions of the customers in the FAQ page and this will help you to optimize the site, as they will come integrated with the relevant keywords.

Integrating longtail keywords

As voice searches are made in the natural language, the queries are longer than the text searches. Therefore, you need to integrate long-tail keywords in the content in your website. When you reach out to the digital marketing companies providing SEO Services, the experts will incorporate the necessary long-tail keywords in the website.

Using microdata to optimize local SEO

One of the most effective strategies to optimize the website to voice searches is to use microdata. The content must include the names of local business areas, places of attractions, phone numbers, landmarks, store hours and other data.

Get across to a reputed SEO Company to optimize your website to voice searches made by the visitors.

