Connect to Neo4j Graph Database

Anjali Tiwari
6 min readDec 29, 2019

The Neo4j database is a graph database and is used to represent the data in the form of graphs. Since the data is huge and is networked data, the data relationships should also be given equal importance, which is achieved by using Graph Database.

Neo4j has a core feature called native graph db that is index-free adjacency. Index-free adjacency increases the performance of storing and retrieving nodes and relationships which is better than relational databases.

Another important feature of Neo4j is, that it offers data integrity and is ACID ( Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, Durable) compliant, which resolves the issue of corrupted data.

It’s easy to work in a Graph database. Just like RDBMS has a language called SQL to access data, the Graph database has a language called Cypher.

Neo4j can be downloaded by clicking on this link: Download Neo4j. The currently supported version is 3.x Neo4j Community and Enterprise Edition. Once the installation is done, run the Neo4j database using one of the ways explained in this article.

Approach 1: Starting the Server using Neo4j Desktop

To start using the Neo4j database, open the Neo4j Desktop installed on the system.



Anjali Tiwari

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