Strange World Called America Series

A Chase
4 min readOct 10, 2017

Breaking the Semantics code

This land is your land, this land is my land
From the California to the New York island the lyrics created by Wood Guthrie’s in 1940. America in 1940 and America in 2017 are slightly different. Removing the argument for a moment that the land in Guthrie’s song originally was being stewarded by Native Americans before the stealing and selling of the land.

Germany was busy invading countries being led by a power hungry megalomaniac named Adolf Hitler. In America, actor, Hattie McDaniel was making history for being the first African American to win an Academy award. She won an award for a movie that she couldn’t attend the Atlanta premier in the segregated South. Fast forward to 2017 and we now have a megalomaniac named Donald Trump being the President of America and factions clearly working to make America segregated again.

I kept hearing this term “white genocide” since it’s almost always coming out of an alt-mouth it’s a term I quickly learned is used by racists. So the cliff notes of this theory goes something like this- racial integration, immigration, mixed marriage and the real fear the children from those relationships, abortion, homosexuality, Jewish and low fertility is purposely being pushed on countries and communities with a predominate white population. Makes the whole abortion is immoral and against God argument questionable doesn’t it? The white genocide belief can be easily traced by the Hitler and him minions.

The root component of this belief is something called racial hygiene, this ideal was the basis of the master race theory by Nazi’s. This theory prevents Aryans from creating kids with non- Aryans as well as forbidding marriages (especially no kids) with anyone poor or allowing anyone poor to have children. Only those “worthy” of passing on their genetic material are allowed to create children, former President Barack Obama is a living symbol of their nightmares. A black man with a white mother with an Ivy League education he represents everything they fear.

Back around 1895, Alfred Ploetz a eugenicist who’s responsible for this racial hygiene term where he warned against making healthcare available for the poor. Since he believed they would pass on bad genetic material into the population. Remember the ongoing fight to get healthcare and affordable healthcare in the US? This racial hygiene idea has a history in our world where this practice was implemented into countries. Citizens had forced sterilization (practice didn’t last).

Personally I feel that Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are playing bitch for various industries that are padding their bank accounts. Greed is being worked for favorable terms for the Nazi’s in America.

They can brand it as alt-right, white nationalist, white supremacist — -they are Nazi’s. Their hero Hitler ate a bullet in the end but here we are 2017 with at minimal a Nazi sympathizer as the President.

The arguments being made it’s about family values while services and laws that can help families are being taken. Argument that it’s about God and using the bible when the Jesus we hear they love so much probably would consider these bible thumpers part of the problem with the world. Since the new guy taken up residence in the White House to speak against him is now speaking against God. Really? A few months ago we heard from this same peanut gallery it was their duty to speak against Obama. Now in just eight months it’s a sin to speak against the President — -by the way there is nothing in the bible that states this claim.

America is more divided than any other time in the history of this country the term United States is just a term to call America. Division is the new norm and there isn’t any uniting that will happen. Both sides of this ongoing argument has dug its preverbal heels into the ground and a line has been drawn.

This division could soon become a geographical division California moving towards getting seceding initiative on the 2018 ballot. People that call themselves conservatives or Republicans have actively started relocating from blue states into red states. Oregon and Washington may secede along with California, which would change the geography of America since 1959 when Hawaii was officially admitted into America. Those that scoff at this being a possibility remember a reality TV personality with no political experience has become the 45th President of America.

