Anjan Chatterjee
21 min readNov 25, 2014

Water Supply system in Kolkata city and adjoining areas

In the present topic, it is highlighted the basic information of the city water supply system . Other related issues, also have been discussed briefly to understand the system in a greater perspective.


We all know that the population of Kolkata city was 0.61 only before independence. But, the figure now phonemically is increased. It is reported that the current population of Kolkata is more than 4.6 million. The resident population was 45, 80,544 i.e 4.58 million in KMC area as per 2011 census

Its Metropolitan Area , the population is estimated to be i.e. 14.38 million in 2014.

The huge infrastructural development works in different locations, stretched at either side of EM by pass along with added areas of Kolkata like Jadavpur, Garia , Behala apart from city proper and northern congruent parts , have been undertaken by both private and public sectors , are major issues for such influx of population .

Therefore, the pressure of using of domestic water has been raised abnormally high .This has resulted the huge demand for the supply of potable water, particularly in this growing areas.

Two planned townships in the greater Kolkata region are Bidhannagar, also known as Salt Lake City, located north-east of the city and Rajarhat, also called New Town, sited east of Bidhannagar Salt Lake Sector , are also witnessed with the same problem

Source of Water:>

The western part of city follows along the right bank of river Hooghli. The river has perennial flow.

As a result, the city remains at comparatively advantageous position than many other cities in India.

The water resources of the river Hooghly is very much precious to us. All the surface water treatment plants at the present moment are located along the right bank of the river.

Surface water and ground water >

There are 4 types of situation: i) Entire water supply from surface water ii) Entire water supply from ground water iii) Mixed supply, a combination of both, iv) and last but not least, the rain water harvesting

Kolkata City water supply is dependent on both surface water source from the river Hugli and ground water sources.

Surface Water Sources:

A brief Overview >

Hooghly River is the main source of potable surface water for the city of Kolkata supplied from the age-old Palta Water Works now rechristened as Indira Gandhi Water Treatment Plant. The Palta Water Works, spreading over a sprawling stretch of 480 acres, was the first intake point constructed during 1864–1870 for generation and supply of water. Initiated with a capacity of 6 mgd (million gallon per day), filtered water was generated through sedimentation in pre and final settling tanks

Keeping in tune with the growing rate of population and proportionally accelerating rate of demand and keeping in mind the fact, several measures have been taken for enhancement of the capacity and up gradation programmes , apprehending to exceed the demand year wise.

New Palta Water Wokrs at Indira Gandhi Water Treatment Plant is a notable step in this development process. During 2006 the capacity of IGWTP palta was finally enhanced to 260 million gallons every day

Garden Reach Water Works also plays an important role and having a capacity to produce 120 M.G.D of potable surface water.

Besides, there are two more water treatment plants are in action:

i) Jora bagan water treatment plant : 8MGD,

ii) Watgunge Water Treatment plant : 5MGD

Therefore, IGWTP palta, GRWW and the Water treatment plant at Jora bagan & Watgunge altogether produces 393 MGD treated water.

There exist some pockets where the inhabitants are not getting sufficient quantity and this condition may aggravate further due to increase of population.

Considering these issues, it has been proposed to augment the present capacity of Garden Reach Water works by another 15 MGD Plant.

An underground reservoir of 2.5 MG capacity along with a pumping station is also a part of this project. Raw water for this project is provided by the Raw Water Pumping Station of G.R.W.W Phase II.

Behala Booster Pumping Station: At the beginning , this water treatment plant will supply potable water into the Behala BPS, where from water will be served at its command area including the said municipality The proposed Akra reservoir will also be benefited by this project.

In future, in the adjacent localities like Joka, Thakurpukur, Chota Kalikapur etc., where at present surface water is not reaching the inhabitants, will be provided by potable surface water from this water treatment plant also , for which necessary net works for suitable BPS and pipe line would be completed.

In the year of 2024, about 34 lakhs people will be benefited with adequate potable surface water within its command area

Thus , the effect of improvement works at Palta Water works along with the increased supply from Garden Reach Water Works, will effect an increase the per capita water supply to 234 liters per day from the present 202 liters per day.

Kolkata: Water Supply Statistics at a Glance :>

i) Water demand in 2012 >293 MGD

ii) Water demand in 2026 >402MGD

iii) Total daily potable water supply(in million litre)> 1350 MLD i.e 300 MGD

iv )Per capita availability of water per day (in litre) >202 litres/per day including 30% UFW

v ) Unaccounted water > 35%

vi)Treated surface water supply > 271 MGD

vii) Ground water supply : 25 MGD

viii) No. of Tube Wells Big diameter >439 ( power driven ) ix) Small Diameter > 10,050 ( hand driven)

x) Average supply hour : 8 hours

xi) No. of connections Domestic: 2,45,019

xii)Coverage of House hold connection :92.70%

xiii) % of house hold covered by surface water > 82.70%

xiv)% of house hold connection by ground water > 10%

xv) Industrial and Commercial > 25,000

xvi)Public Access Standard Posts (in nos.)> 17,019

xvii) Unfiltered water through street hydrants (in nos.) > 2000

xviii)No. of reservoirs Present> 7

ix)Under construction > 14

xx) No of Booster Pumping stations> 17+1 (Tallah)

xxi)No of Booster Pumping stations (under construction) >5

xxii)Length of distribution net works > 5800KM

xxiii)Combined capacity(in million gallon) :96

Improving water supply for the city has been a major focus area during the past few years. This has involved augmenting piped water supply through commissioning of water treatment plants, boosting pumping stations, reservoirs and head works and at the same time sinking new tube wells, as a short term measure, in areas where piped water supply is currently lacking. The distribution system is also being revamped continuously so that it can meet the burgeoning water demands of the city.

As such, in order to improve the availability and quality of water supply in the city, construction of water treatment plants and boosting pumping station at strategic locations e.g Watgunj ,Jorabagan, Bagmari, Ranikuthi, Kasba and other locations have been undertaken. The phases of works either completed or to be commissioned in near future. These boosting pumping stations mainly receive water either from Palta or Garden reach water works . It is supplying filtered water to the residents of different localities, thus substantially reducing the dependence on ground water in these areas through an elaborate distribution pipeline network.

At the moment, two more pumping stations are coming up . 1. Dhapa Water Treatment Plant 30 MGD Capacity with its distribution network including head works. 2. Construction of additional 15 MGD capacity of water treatment plant at Garden Reach Water works.

For effective water distribution, more and more boosting pumping stations with reservoirs are required.

As such, in order to improve the availability and quality of water supply in the city, construction of water treatment plants & booster pumping station at strategic locations e.g Watgunj ,Jorabagan, Bagmari, Ranikuthi, Kasba and other locations have been undertaken. The phases of works either completed or to be commissioned in near future. These booster pumping stations mainly receive water either from Palta or Garden reach water work. It is supplying filtered water to the residents of different localities, thus substantially reducing the dependence on ground water in these areas through an elaborate distribution pipeline network

It may be reiterated here ,the residents of both sides of EM Bypass from Ultadanga to Patuli will also get very soon uninterrupted supply of drinking water. This ambitious plan will be effective once the under construction Dhapa water treatment plant starts functioning. According to plans, an intake jetty at Bagbazar to draw water from Hooghly and the raw water would be taken through an underground pipe to Dhapa, where it will be treated, and finally the water will be supplied to the households

The new plant at Dhapa with a capacity to treat 30 million gallons of water per day will cater to the drinking water demand of entire EM Bypass where the residents now depend on ground water

General Informatioon :


o GENERAL INFORMATION : District at a glance :

· Geographical Area (Sq. km.) :185

· No. Wards :141

Population (as on 2001 Census) (with density of population) > 45, 80,544 (24451.74 per

GEOMORPHOLOGY > Lower deltaic plains of the Ganga- Bhagirathi river system

o MAJOR SOIL TYPES > Younger alluvial soils mainly silty clay to clay.


o Major Water bearing formation> Quaternary alluvium

o Pre-monsoon depth to water level during 2006 >12.09 to 19.59 mbgl ( i.e meter below ground level )

o Post-monsoon depth to water level during 2006 >10.72 to 15.42 mbgl

o Long term water level trend in 10 years (1997–2006) in m/yr .There is fall of 7 to 11m in ground water level in last 45 years from 1958 to 2003

Declining trend of water level to the tune of 0.33m/yr at the core of the trough and 0.11 m/yr at the periphery.


o No. of wells drilled >10

o Depth Range (m) > 54.00–245.00 mbgl

o Discharge (lps) > 7.22–19.50

o Storativity (S): 33 X10–3 – 20 X10–5

o Transmissivity (m2/day) :2064.5 -2276

ü Presence of Chemical constituents more than permissible limit> Chloride and Arsenic in few places.

Type of water

􀂾i) Ca-Mg-HCO3

􀂾ii) Na- HCO3

􀂾 iii)Ca-Mg-Cl

􀂾 iv)Na- Cl


o . Depending upon the available data a total quantum of 204 million litre per day (45.3 million gallon per day) of ground water is entering into the central depressed zone.

o Gross Annual Ground water draft for domestic & industrial use

305.20 Million litres per day.i.e 67.67 mgd

Projected Demand for domestic and Industrial uses up to 20–25

20.43 Million litres per day i.e 71.95 mgd.

However, the report shows that during the period of 2011, total ground water contribution from KMC as well as private parties is nearing 433 MLD i.e. 96MGD

Taking into account the capacities of existing pumping stations as well as that of progressing pumping stations, the targeted surface water contribution shall be 438 MGD from the river Hugli within a few years.. Once, the targeted surface water contribution is achieved, the consumption of ground water shall also be minimized simultaneously as far as possible.

Therefore, with the achievement of targeted filtered surface water , the consumption of water per person per day also would be increased substantially from the existing one i.e 202 litres per day per person.


We have noticed that the tremendous pressure for domestic water is coming up where rapid urbanization/ infrastructural improvement works are taken place. More and more, large scale housing complexes at various levels are also coming up. This new developing areas demand more domestic water. But, the availability of surface water from the river Hooghli is not readily available commensurating with such demand.

Actually, the happening scenario is that the city is growing towards eastern side and southern part, which is becoming away from the main source of surface water i.e River Hooghly .

As such, to meet up the rising demand , further Water treatment plants including enhancing the existing capacities appears to be inevitable. Besides, water pipe line network along with intermediate Boosting Pumping stations (BPS) are also necessary to facilitate smooth flow of water in the scared areas.

Under this scenario, to bridge up the gap of shortfall of water in respect of demand and supply, it is very much essential to opt for ground water resources at the present moment in such extended areas. Large housing complexes in these ares , even depends fully on ground water i.e bore well pump arrangement.

It will continue till the replacement is negotiated suitably with the implementation of additional source of surface water.

Now, the question arises, how long the use of ground water could be continued and what will be the effect there after?

Two issues we have to kept in mind while using the ground water for domestic use. Firstly, the quality and secondly, the availability of water.

Moreover, it is also noticed that big housing complexes generally needs considerable bulk quantity of water. Therefore, the surface water source along cannot meet up fully the overall requirement of domestic water. Hence, this necessitates setting up for bore well pump within the particular premises under the private capacity of flat owners ‘association.

But, the bore well pump has some limitation for withdrawal of ground water keeping in mind of Aquifer condition in the particular area. Therefore, over withdrawal may affect adversely in the quality of water and also existing piezometric level with the fluctuation in water level.


The Turbidity, PH value, TDS, Total Hardness, Calcium, Magnecium, Total Alkanity , Chloride and Total Iron etc are primarily to be checked up whether these are above the acceptable limit of IS 10500 2012(Second revision) of the Drinking Water Specification with respect to the tests conducted.)

It is a fact that direct consumption of underground water is not compatible to our health.
Test report for raw water sample available from most of the bore well pump confirms that.

Therefore, an attempt is to be made for gradual reduction in the dependency towards ground water utilization, instead of, could be made, more and more on surface water. At present, in many of the housing complexes the surface water contributes very nominal. But, effort should be made to increase KMC delivery of water as far possible . This will help to inject soft water to the delivery system and improve the overall water quality in a large extent. As a result, even with the present set up, the overall quality of water could be improved. But, it needs regular testing of water quality to evolve a right mechanism for blending process with surface & ground water.

But, it is true that we cannot avoid the use of ground water. We can only minimize the use of ground water contribution provided the flow of KMC surface water is increased in future. Therefore, the complete elimination of ground water perhaps may not be possible in the near future.

Under this scenario, the existing quality of ground water in the respective complexes should be improved under the private capacity. If the iron content exceeds the limit the Iron Removal System needs to be installed in the campus.
The performance Guarantee was for Turbidity: < 1 NTU
Total Iron : < o.3 ppm as Fe

If the result is not encouraging , we may obviously to seek for option for the installation of Chlorinator and Water Softening Plant . This will remove bacteria and other microorganisms and also improve the quality in respect of Hardness and turbidity.

Ground Water Sources:

KMC owned 264 nos large dia (203 mm) tube wells fitted with 20 HP submersible pump and 10,000 nos small dia (40 mm) tube wells fitted with hand pump, which are operating in KMC area

As on December, 2006 ,withdrawal from large dia tube well is about 112.5 mld and hand pump fitted small dia tube well is 21.4 mld.

Withdrawal of ground water in KMC area is given in the be

Name of the Source : No. of the source : Withdrawal ( mld*)

Large Dia Tube well (KMC): 264 nos > 112.5 mld

Shallow Tube Well: Hand Pump fitted (KMC) : 10,000nos > 21.4 mld

Small Dia Private Tube Well : 5831 nos > 735mld

*mld: million litre per day (Source: CGWB, Kolkata)

Withdrawal of ground water in KMC area by KMC owned Tube wells increases progressively from 121.5 mld in 1986 to 209.7 mld in 1998 and it continued upto 20004.

From 2005 KMC started replacing gradually the ground water supply by surface watersupply. As a result, there is a reduction in the quantum of ground water withdrawal by KMC owned tube wells from 2005. In 2006 round water withdrawal by KMC owned Tube wells come down to 133.90 mld.

Withdrawal from large dia tube well is about 112.5 mld and Hand pump fitted small dia tube well is 21.4 mld. Besides KMC owned Tubewells, there are 5831 nos of private owned small dia (101 mm) tube wells fitted with 1 to 2 HP pump in KMC area. Withdrawal from these tube wells works out to be 735*mld. Thus a total of 868.9 mld of groundwater is being withdrawal in KMC area.

Withdrawal of ground water in KMC area by KMC owned Tube wells increases progressively from 121.5 mld in 1986 to 209.7 mld in 1998 and it continued upto 20004.

From 2005 KMC started replacing gradually the ground water supply by surface water supply. As a result there is a reduction in the quantum of ground water withdrawal by KMC owned tube wells from 2005. In 2006 ground water withdrawal by KMC owned tubewells come down to 133.90 mld.


Kolkata Municipal Corporation area is occupied by Quaternary alluvial sediments, comprising alternate sequence of clay, silt and sands of various grades, gravel and occasional pebble beds, brought down by Ganga-Bhagirathi river system.

Two regionally extensive clay beds are present throughout KMC area within the depth of 400 mbgl.

The depth of occurrence of the basal clay varies from place to place but in general it occurs from 300 to 450 mbgl and the top clay bed (10 m to more than 60m thick) overlies the entire alluvium sequences in KMC area

Between these two clay beds occurs granular zones made up of fine to coarse sand, gravel and occasional pebble intervened by clay lenses. Thin lenses of very fine grained sand and silt in a silty clay layer occur above the top clay layer at some places around Ballyganj, Tollyganj, Tiljola, Dhakuria, Kasba, Santoshpur, Garia, Behala, Barisha and Thakurpur in the marshy/swampy lands.

In the levee deposits along the bank of river Hugli lenses of fine to coarse grained sand are also present above the top clay bed at some places. The thickness of this sand bed varies from place to place

The sub-surface disposition of the aquifers indicates that the clay (10 to 60 m thick) at the top of the sedimentary sequence imparts confined to semi-confined condition to groundwater occurring in the aquifers below this clay blanket.

The aquifers below this clay bed consist of fine to coarse sand, which are occasionally mixed with gravel.

The sediments show facies variation at a few places, which is characteristic of typical deltaic deposition and the top clay bed shows a transition from aquiclude to aquitard.

The thickness of the aquifer varies from place to place with the frequent occurrence of clay lens within them.

The principal productive fresh water aquifer (yield = 90 to 120 m3/hr) occurs within the depth span of 60–180 meter below ground level (mbgl) in the major part of the area except in the western part. In the western part, in Garden Reach-Barisha Sector and around Kashipur, west of Dum Dum, brackish water aquifers occur down to depth of 160 mbgl and 200 mbgl respectively from the surface.

These brackish water aquifers are underlain by fresh water aquifers. In Santoshpur area in the extreme south all the aquifers within 300 m bgl are brackish.

In general ground water in KMC area occurs under confined to semi-confined condition. In the levee deposit on the bank of Hugli river thin lens of shallow aquifer occur within 12 m bgl, where ground water occurs under water table condition.

Ground water also occurs under unconfined condition within 17 m below ground level in the marshy/swampy lands around Ballyganj, Tollyganj, Tiljola, Dhakuria, Kasba, Santoshpur, Garia, Behala, Barisah and Thakurpukur.

The sub-surface disposition of the aquifers indicates that the clay (10 to 60 m thick) at the top of the sedimentary sequence imparts confined to semi-confined condition to groundwater occurring in the aquifers below this clay blanket.

The aquifers below this clay bed consist of fine to coarse sand, which are occasionally mixed with gravel. The sediments show facies variation at a few places, which is characteristic of typical deltaic deposition and the top clay bed shows a transition from aquiclude to aquitard.

The thickness of the aquifer varies from place to place with the frequent occurrence of clay lens within them.

Potential Aquifers :

The sub-surface disposition of the aquifers indicates that the clay (10 to 60 m thick) at the top of the sedimentary sequence imparts confined to semi-confined condition to groundwater occurring in the aquifers below this clay blanket.

The aquifers below this clay bed consist of fine to coarse sand, which are occasionally mixed with gravel.

The sediments show facies variation at a few places, which is characteristic of typical deltaic deposition and the top clay bed, shows a transition from aquiclude to aquitard.

The thickness of the aquifer varies from place to place with the frequent occurrence of clay lens within them.

These brackish water aquifers are underlain by fresh water aquifers. In Santoshpur area in the extreme south all the aquifers within 300 m bgl are brackish.

In general ground water in KMC area occurs under confined to semi-confined condition. In the levee deposit on the bank of Hugli river thin lens of shallow aquifer occur within 12 m bgl, where ground water occurs under water table condition.

Ground water also occurs under unconfined condition within 17 m below ground level in the marshy/swampy lands around Ballyganj, Tollyganj, Tiljola, Dhakuria, Kasba, Santoshpur, Garia, Behala, Barisah and Thakurpukur.

A number of open well are present in these areas. In general potentiality of this unconfined aquifer is low.

In most cases this unconfined aquifer is hydraulically connected with the surface water bodies like ponds, unlined nalas and stagnant water in the low lying marshy lands and the open wells get a constant supply of surface water. As a result the open wells which are hydraulically connected with the surface water bodies do not dry even in the peak summer season. The surface water in these ponds, the unlined nalas and water in the low lying marshy lands in these thickly habited areas is highly polluted and hence the ground water from these open wells is not suitable for domestic uses without proper treatment

As per report of SWID, a middle capacity well can produce 265 gallons or 1204 lit of water . 51 no of deep tube well can yield 61,404 lit of water for the 1st 4 hours . In new town area , 1 lakh lit of underground water is lifted

Under the layer of 100 m below ground level in New town area , the water is not useable, and poisonous. Moreover, 2nd and 3rd layer of water below the ground is also not useable. These layers ,below the ground in the aquifers is also being effected through leakage of sewage and waste disposal in the municipality area

Ground Water Level:

The piezometric surface of the confined fresh ground water in KMC area was initially flat before the large scale development of ground water started. The flow of ground water initially followed the slope of land and movement of ground water was towards south and southeast.

Withdrawal of more and more ground water in excess of replenishment has created adverse effect on ground water regime in KMC area and it is reflected in the pattern of piezometric surface. Premonsoon piezomertic level in KMC area varies from 13–14 mbgl (meter below ground level) to 17–18 mbgl during 2010 .Post monsoon piezometric level varies from 7–8 mbgl to 17–18 mbgl during 2010 Study of piezometric contours for KMC area for premonsoon 2004 indicates that the piezometric level is deepest (>-16 m) around Park Street forming a trough in Central Kolkata around Park Street, Rajabazar, Fort William etc., due to excessive withdrawal of ground water as well as due to interference effect of closely spaced tube wells running simultaneously. In post monsoon period the piezometric level comes up to <-11.5 m in the core of the trough around Park Street due to natural monsoon recharge .

A comparative study for premonsoon piezometric level for the period from 1958 to 2003 in KMC area indicates that trough formed with a core of >- 9 m has been expanded in area and the core has become >-16 m. This is due to excessive withdrawal of ground water from 1989

Additional information >

According to the 2011 census Kolkata district has a population of 4,486,679, This gives it a ranking of 35th in India (out of a total of 640). The district has a population density of 24,252 inhabitants per square kilometre (62,810 /sq mi) .

The completing Dhapa water treatment plant on EM by pass will be a major hope. It can deliver 30 million gallons of water a day (30 MGD) . After completion, this would be a boon to lakhs along the entire length of EM by pass, from Ultadanga to Garia , that has seen an astounding real state boon in the last decade.

People moving into the swanky apartment complexes build here are frustrated for long wait. It is also proposed that a booster pumping station would be constructed and that will carry filtered water from Dhapa pump to large areas in Beliaghata.

Recently, 4 nos high powered lifting pumps have been installed at Mayer ghat , Kashipur , The river water would be delivered to Dhapa water treatment plant . It is reported that it would be operative from the end of December, 2014. After staring operation of DWTP, it will start supplying treated water to Beliaghata, metropolitan, Anandapur, Mukundupur,Tapsia , Tiljala, , Patuli etc and other 16 wards of Garia

It is also reported that additional 1cores liters’ day i.e 10 MLD will be produced at Garden reach water Treatment Plant . In addition, one more boosting pumping station will be installed near Joka ,Behala.This will facilitate to supply drinking water in a large area of Behala and adjoining area

At the moment, treated drinking water from Tala-Palta system supplies to the most of places of north and central Kolkata.

On the other hand, the treatment plant at Garden reach supplies water many areas of Behala, Tollygunge , Dhakuria and part areas of Jadavpur..

In spite of that, the areas at either sides of EM by pass could not be covered under this system due to huge demand of domestic water for rapid concentrated development and depending mostly on underground water resources now. But, once the treated water from Dhapa treatment plant will be flowed down via newly built up area, the booster pumping stations at Anandapur,Mukundupur and Patuli through the pipe distribution net work of 197 km in length regularly , the instant areas would be started receiving drinking water.

Moreover, once the booster pumping station at GJ Khan road would be ready, likely to be functional shortly, the area under Topsia — Tiljala , also will come under this drinking net work supply system.

It is also reported that overall cost of the instant project for producing 3 crore gallons of water per day is 400 crores.The project has been done under JNNURM Progrrame.

Finally, regarding the water availability and demand against the population upto 2026, has been stated in the Talla -Palta demand analysis. This willl definitely help to understand how the water would be so important in our life in the near future.


Future proposition :

Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) has drawn up an ambitious plan of supplying drinking water to citizens 24 x 7 with an preliminary estimated cost of more than Rs 2000 croe The proposed plan will be executed in phases before a complete overhaul of the water supply system that can provide piped water to citizens 24X7.

Currently, it is supplied for around four to eight hours a day. According to plans,the civic body will first augment drinking water supply at the existing water treatment plants.The capacity of Palta waterworks will be augmented from 240/260 million gallons to 340 million gallons.

Separate water treatment units having a capacity to produce an additional 100 million gallons have to be built inside Palta waterworks

Similarly,the KMC will go for construction of a 100 million water treatment plant adjacent to the Garden Reach water treatment plant,thus taking the capacity from 120 million gallons to 220 million gallons.

The proposed of 30 million gallon water treatment plant at Dhapa to supply potable water to millions of people along the EM Bypass is very much in progress and will be in operation very shortly.

This apart, for the improvement and strengthening of the pipe line distribution net works , due attention is also to be addressed along with the construction of several overhead reservoirs adjacent to the water booster pumping stations for uninterrupted supply

For making success to the target , it is also felt that certain steps are also to be taken to prevent wastage of potable water in a large no of buildings in the city. This needs to overhaul the entire age old infrastructure system.

Conclusion :

At present, the running treatment plant capacity (260+120+8+5)= 393 MGD ( i.e 1786 MLD )

Actual treated water supply( i.e 69% ) > 271MGD and Ground water supply >25 MGD i.e together with, it comes 296 MGD. Now , if we consider 45 lakhs as residence population in kolkata , per capita supply will be 200 litres including 35 % UFW {‘Unaccounted for Water’ as per CPHEEO Standard }

In near future , after the implementation of water treatment plant at Dhapa ( 30MGD ) and 2nd addition of Garden reach ( 15 MGD ) , total capacity shall be as 438 MGD ( i.e 438 x 4.546 =1991 MLD)

One rough estimate indicates that if we consider overall water production as 1374 MLD i.e 304 MGD (100%) , out of that for Industries > 142MLD ( 11%) and for other ULB > 188 MLD (14%) . Thus , the availability of water for 45 million of population > 731MLD i.e 162 MGD ( 53%), { taken into account of domestic connection for 2,46,000 and other connection > 9000 within the area of 185 sqkm } i.e {1374 MLD( 100 % ) =142 MLD ( 11% > Industries) +188 MLD(14%> other ULB ) +731 MLD ( 53 % > KMC ) + 313 MLD ( 22% as water loss)}

Note: 731 MLD =731000000 Litres> 160.81 litres per capita +22% waste water = 200 litres per capita including water loss.

Therefore, under the present scenario, it is seen that much water is wasted at the consumer end caused by different reasons . The remedial measures to stop such huge water loss at various direction and also related improvement process,would help a lot to bring more people under the scope of treated water availability .
