“All I need is revenue. Why the hell should I care about automation?” asks SMB

Anjana Ramesh
3 min readNov 8, 2017


Chill! No offense made against anyone. But, when I spoke to one of our leads (cold) from the SMB segment, he said “I’m a CEO of a company that belongs to the SMB segment and we just have 180 employees. Why do you think I should automate my workflows?”

Before I could answer, he resumed, “All I need is revenue. How do you think workflow automation would help us?”

At the receiving end, I was like:

However, I bucked up myself and asked him a question, “If you could let me know, how a company generally kicks up its revenue, I shall answer you.”

He maintained silence for a couple of minutes. It looked like he was annoyed ( or probably amused. lol. ). He then said “ By acquiring new customers and by retaining the existing customers. So, answer me.”

Could you please tell me who acquires new customers in your company?”, I asked.

Our sales team. NOW ANSWER ME”, he said (the tone. lol.). Then came my clinching question(or so I guess since he turned out to be amicable from then and I felt like, “I’m worth the wait”.).

Does your sales team spend most of their valuable time with the accounts receivable team to check if the customer has made the payment?”, I asked.

Hmm, yes!”, he answered with a pleasant tone.

I asked him one last question, “Have you or your sales head ever missed approving the invoices as you missed the email or the paper form and hence had a delay in the payment?”

Uh-huh! That’s true”, he replied.

Now with all confidence I said, I suppose your revenue would increase only when you receive the payment. Also, your sales team will focus on customer acquisition only when they “deal” with the prospects and not with your AR team.

So, let the system handle all these mundane annoyances and let the humans do their core work. And, workflow automation is all about this.”, I stopped there and was looking forward to his reply.

Sounds good. So, what’s your product’s name?”, he asked.

KiSSFLOW, the #1 workflow automation software in the Google Apps Marketplace”, I proudly said.

Curious to know more about KiSSFLOW? Come, take a look at us.



Anjana Ramesh

SMB well-wisher (sometimes a critic), automation enthusiast, works as a marketing analyst @KiSSFLOW (www.kissflow.com)