Wrapping up the 30

3 min readAug 30, 2023


Day 30 — Quantum30 Challenge

Completing the Quantum30 Challenge for August feels like a significant achievement, one that I honestly wasn’t sure I’d reach. I’d like to take a moment to share my experiences during this challenge.


The path I chose:

To provide some context, I recently participated in the WOMANIUM Quantum Summer Program, an immersive experience that delved into concepts such as Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), quantum algorithms, various types of qubits, quantum computers, quantum error correction, and more. When it came to selecting a path for the August Quantum30 Challenge, I opted for the beginner’s path, despite the tempting alternatives of Quantum Machine Learning (QML) and Quantum Cryptography. Why did I take this step back?

My aim was to fortify my foundational understanding of quantum concepts, making the beginner’s path the perfect choice. Thanks to thoughtfully curated daily videos, I could invest just 60 to 90 minutes each day to grasp a concept fully.

The weeks:

The first week felt like a breeze for me, given my background in physics. However, this didn’t mean I didn’t gain anything. The videos curated for the challenge helped dispel misconceptions I had held about certain concepts, leaving me with a clearer understanding.

The second week introduced the fascinating world of quantum computers and annealers, with subsequent weeks delving into their myriad applications. It was around the middle of the third week that I began to feel a bit of midweek burnout. But with the incredible support of the challenge’s community, I found the motivation to push through and post content consistently. Today, after four weeks of unwavering dedication, I feel genuinely proud of what I’ve achieved.

What’s cooking?

So, what did this journey help me with? As I mentioned earlier, it solidified my foundational knowledge, which I believe will serve as a strong base for exploring other quantum paths. As part of the Global Quantum Project, I’ve chosen the Quantum Media project. I’ve set up an Instagram account where I’ll share insights about the quantum field in plain language, starting from the origins of quantum physics to the intricacies of quantum computing. The well-organized video content from the challenge has been invaluable in preparing the content for this project. I’ll begin sharing this content from today or tomorrow (31st August). Your support there would mean the world to me: Instagram Link.


Speaking of motivation and support, I want to express my gratitude not only to the challenge participants and the organizing team but also to each one of you who viewed my posts, clapped, responded, or followed me.

My wavefunction. LOL

It’s truly humbling to have gained 33 followers and received more than 1000 views in just a month. You are all amazing. August was a month of learning and a chance for me to put my writing and sometimes even drawing skills to the test.

In conclusion, completing the Quantum30 Challenge has been a rewarding journey, one that has enhanced my understanding of quantum concepts and introduced me to a fantastic community of like-minded individuals. I look forward to the next chapter of my quantum exploration and hope you’ll continue to be a part of it.

Thank you for your support and encouragement QuantumComputingIndia

