Anjan Ghosh
1 min readOct 16, 2023

Angular Installation Process Step by Step

Learn Angular Installation Process

Let’s know about the Angular

What is Angular ?
1.Angular is a Typescript framework , which mainly provides
single page application [SPA]
index.html — →all fall down
2.TypeScript is a super set of JavaScript , which enables us to
write the code proper object oriented manner .
Ultimately Angular compiler converts the TS code to Js code
manipulate the DOM [Document Object Model ] [HTML]
3.Angular = Google [Module]+Microsoft [TypeScript]
Note : The first version of Angular was known as Angular JS
from the 2nd version wonwords google has introduce
TypeScript as a primary language of Angular , since then it was
known as Angular Only .
Latest version of Angular was Angular 15
4.Angular follows sementic versioning .
5.Angular is a open source Product .
6. Angular is a Node.Js based Front-end framework

Editor : Visual Studio code [Terminal Integrated ]
Angular Environment Setup :
1. Node.Js
Verification of Node.Js installation :
open cmd
node -v /version
npm -v /version
2.Angular installation[cli -command line interface] :
npm install — save -g @angular/cli [-g global]
To verify angular cli installation :
ng v

Angular Installation Process