Android vs iOS: Which Platform to Build Your App for First?

Anjni Joshi
3 min readAug 3, 2018


There’s a revolution in mobile app development happening right now with the number of apps available for download in major app stores being at an all-time high. Deciding whether to build an app it is risky and expensive for both iOS and Android simultaneously.

Whether deciding Android or iOS depends on 5 factors:

  • Targeted Audience
  • Project Timeline
  • Desired App Features
  • App Maintenance Budget
  • Revenue Goal

We compiled statistics on these factors to help you choose — Android vs iOS.

Building an App for Android or iOS Depends on Your Audience

There are key differences for Android and iOS For example, Android devices have the greatest global market to share. However, Apple dominates the App store for customer spending.Consider your target audience’s geographic and demographic characteristics when deciding which platform to develop for first.

If you’re targeting a broad global audience, Android may be your best bet and if you are target local regions of Europe and US, iOS

Project Timeline

Making an App for iOS is Faster and Less Expensive

It’s faster, easier, and cheaper to develop for iOS — some estimated put development time at 30–40% for Android.

One reason why iOS is easier to develop for is the code. Android apps are generally written in Java, a language that involves writing more code than Swift, Apple’s official programming language.

Another reason is that Android is an open source platform. A lack of standardization means more devices, components, and Software fragmentation required.

We pulled the information on the lines of code (excluding blank lines and comments) with cloc

Apple’s closed ecosystem means you’re developing for a few standardized devices and operating systems.

All things considered, the Apple App Store has stricter standards and quality desires and a more drawn out survey process, so it might take more time for applications to be affirmed. Your application may even be rejected if it’s not up to Apple’s norms.

Desired App Features

Developing an App for Android Allows More Flexibility With Features

What highlights will you offer through your application? Since Android is open source, there’s greater adaptability to your application fabricating the highlights and capacities that your group of onlookers needs.

Of course, this open environment means Android is more susceptible to pirate apps and malware.

Apple is generally perceived as being more secure, due to its closed nature, which is largely why iOS has a larger audience in the enterprise market.

App Maintenance Budget

Maintaining App on Android or iOS Is Easier If Users Update OS

Developing for Android may mean spending more time ensuring that your app remains compatible with the platform and avoiding bugs and crashes for users running older operating systems.

Android users are slower to adopt new operating systems. One study found over 50% of Android users were running an operating system more than 2 years old.

Apple users are more likely to update their operating system.

Android vs Apple: Choose One Platform to Develop for First

Where your audience lives, who they are, the features they want, and your development timeline and budget determine whether you should build a business app for Android or iOS first.

If you need to build a minimum viable product quickly and cheaply, then iOS may be the way to go.

However, if you’re targeting global or emerging markets, especially in Asia and Latin America, or if your app involves features that Apple doesn’t support, then Android is your best bet.

Whichever stage you pick, once you’ve worked out the crimps and fabricated a client base on your underlying stage, you may find that clients on the other stage start clamoring for a rendition of your application.

When this happens, it’s a sign that it’s time to build another version of your app for the other platform.

Pick your Platform Wisely and remember the Factors to begin with your specialty thought!

