Sketch Vs. Adobe’s XD

2 min readMar 14, 2016


It’s a war :)

Right when Adobe released its long-awaited design/ prototyping application Experience Design (code named Project Comet), InVision announces it acquired Silverflows (long-awaited prototyping plugin for Sketch).

Adobe announced they were working on Project Comet last year in their Adobe Max 2015 event. The initial app demos looked promising and it was quite successful to win a lot of designers’ attention. Today, Adobe announced the preview was free to download to everyone. They changed the name Project Comet to Experience Design (in short: XD). I thought of taking it for a spin while I was in office. The download took some time. But I was able to get it up and running in couple of minutes. I started with a sample file that came with it.

XD’s sample file

In a matter of few minutes, I was able to catch up. The learning curve is quite less. The app seems to be free from distractions. And it is fast!! Really fast! Also, the ability to duplicate contents and add interaction within the app itself are clearly the top features of XD.

A quick prototype I tried with XD.

I felt Sketch app now has some competition.

I got off from work, shared tea with friends and got home. I was browsing and found this news InVision acquires Silverflows. Being a Sketch fan, I was waiting eagerly for this plugin (Silverflows) to be released.

I haven’t got a chance to use Silverflows yet. However, the initial videos of Silverflows showed how promising this was. InVision introduced Craft plugin only a few weeks back.

Craft lefts you duplicate contents, create dummy texts/ images and create style document in Sketch and Photoshop.

It had most of what Project Comet promised to be. The only thing missing was interactive prototyping feature. With acquisition of Silverflows, they are adding the missing puzzle to their next release of Craft.

Yes, it is still too early to say who will steal the show. But it will be interesting to see how this will affect our workflow. I believe competition boosts innovation and just can’t wait what coming days have to offer! :)




UX enthusiast ( (, VP of Product Innovations and Co-founder at YoungInnovations