The Modern War Is The Spiritual War

Anjishnu Ray
3 min readApr 26, 2023



Those days are gone when we would pick up a gun or sword and fight with each other.

Today’s the war is not even with people.

It’s a spiritual war.

A constant war with our thoughts and inner self that has no end. We need to fight everyday.

Some days we lose. Some days we win. But the war continues.

We are never taught HOW TO THINK. That’s when the war begins

You see in our schools, colleges and even families, we are never taught HOW TO THINK.

So we end up overthinking like hell.

Overthinking kickstarts the spiritual war.

Our mind is messed up. We can’t think clearly. We don’t know what to do.

And it feels like we will DIE.

Ofcourse it’s not that death you are thinking about. But the one that makes you mentally weak and fragile. And that feels like the end.


You need the right weapons to fight the war

No gun.

No sword.

No armour.

They won’t work here.

It’s a mental war. So the weapons have to be the ones that are going to heal you mentally.

Meditation is one. Nature is another. Even your information diet.

The most simple solutions. Don’t you think that?

THEY ARE GOING TO SAVE YOU AT TIMES OF CRISIS. Meditating will calm you. Nature will increase you happiness. Your information diet is going to stretch your brain.

The modern crisis requires the modern weapons!

You heal the most in solitude

That might sound a bit hard.

But that’s the TRUTH.

You won’t get mental clarity by filling your days with chaos. You need some solitude. You need some inner work to be done.

And that’s not going to happen in a group.

You have to take the HARD WAY out.

Some alone time everyday. To do some hard things. To give yourself some strength and healing in the long run.

Choose to rebuild over complaining

Nobody builds something BEST from the start itself.

You make mistakes.

You fail.

You do some shit.

You realize it’s the time for you to REBUILD.

Most people choose to complain here. And that’s not how you rebuild. Instead that’s self-destruction.

Your mistakes give you some room for change. And if you don’t make that change, things will get worse.


Final thoughts

Everyday when you wake up, you have a battlefield ready.


A mental game.

Even if you lose somedays, nothing will happen.

But the one who quits out of fear and weakness is the REAL LOSER.

You are not that one. Because you choose to fight everyday. As a discipline.



Anjishnu Ray

Founder @PALOOZA • Turning people's boring lives into an adventure • Creator • Writer