Major Differences Between CPython vs Python You Know

Anju Calinfo
4 min readJun 3, 2022


One of the most popular development languages in the world is Python. This language is designed in a way to write programs quickly. The language is a very effective and productive language that has found applications in numerous domains, including big data and machine learning. The use of this language for object-oriented and imperative programming. CPython is the reference implementation used by most Python developers. But, the debate around it is whether it’s still relevant. This blog will look at the differences between CPython vs Python and some of the advantages and disadvantages of using CPython over Python.

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What is CPython?

The Python programming language’s reference implementation is CPython. CPython is the default and most extensively used Python implementation, written in C and Python. Because it converts Python code into bytecode before interpreting it.

In other words, CPython may be considered both an interpreter and a compiler. People also wonder if CPython is the same as Python. CPython is the C implementation of the Python programming language. Cython is intended to be a Python C-extension. Developers may use Cython to accelerate Python code execution. They can, however, develop and run Python programmes without the use of Cython.

Moreover, CPython is a compiled language that turns Python code into bytecode before passing it to the interpreter. As a result, CPython is quicker than other Python programming languages. The following are some areas of CPython language implementation:

  • Web development
  • Scientific computation
  • Designing Python modules

What is Python?

Python is a popular general-purpose programming language with a wide range of applications. It has high-level data structures, dynamic typing, binding, and many other capabilities. In addition, it makes it ideal for both complicated programme development and scripting or “glue code” that links components.

This language uses in many applications due to its ubiquity and ability to operate practically every system architecture. Moreover, Python can also make system calls to any operating system and run C or C++ programs. Additionally, it is the global language.

Pros of Python

Here are some pros/advantages of Python programming.

  • Python has a simple syntax that makes it simple to learn.
  • It is flexible. Loading, cleaning, submitting, and presenting data in the form of a website is efficient.
  • It is expandable. It offers high-quality libraries like Matplotlib, Numpy, Tensorflow, Pandas, etc. These packages provide methods for working with huge datasets.
  • Within the context of the development cycle, it is steady and predictable.
  • The code is open source.

Cons of Python

  • Python is an interpreted language. Thus each line of code is executed one at a time. It slows Python down, resulting in slower execution.
  • It is unnecessary to specify the kind of variable that might cause runtime issues.
  • Python is unsuitable for mobile and browser computing since it lacks security in this domain.

Differences between CPython vs Python

There are many differences between CPython and Python programming languages. If you wish to know the significant differences in both languages, you need to follow the guide below.


Cython is a Python programming language superset that also enables calling C/C++ functions. On the other hand, Python is the typical programming language implementation, and it is likely that we use it on a regular basis.

Type of language

The second parameter is the type of language in the difference between CPython vs Python. CPython is a compiled language; it compiles the code to bytecode before passing it to the interpreter. Whereas, Python is an interpreted language. Hence, using an interpreter of this language to transform Python code into machine code.


Cython is a Python superset that also allows you to invoke C/C++ functions. On the other hand, Python is the most used programming language implementation, and we are likely to utilise it on a daily basis.

Design Goals

The next parameter is design goals in the difference between CPython vs Python. CPython is built as a superset of the Python language, and it can produce Standard Python modules. Whereas, Python is an object-oriented, functional, and procedural programming language.


The syntax of CPython is influenced by Python version 2.x and is more comparable. However, CPython does not yet support Python version 3.x.

On the other hand, Python syntax is less complicated and easy to memorise.


The last factor is applications in the difference between CPython vs Python.

The applications of CPython are scientific and numerical calculation, high-traffic websites, python module design, etc.

Whereas, the applications of Python are web development, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and other related fields.


We hope you enjoyed our little comparison of CPython vs Python. In the end, it really comes down to your specific use case and your personal preferences.

Python is now one of the most used programming languages. Thus mastering it is crucial. Aside from that, understanding Python’s implementation is essential. Python and CPython are not the same thing. We have covered every aspect of the CPython versus Python distinction. Also, don’t get the phrases Python and CPython mixed together. Both are distinct. I hope our readers comprehend the differences.

