Anju Agarwal — How to deal with difficult situations & overcome those


Anju Agarwal — Nagarpalika Chairperson Muzaffarnagar

Anju Agarwal, Nagarpalika Chairperson of Muzaffarnagar has seen tough times as a municipal leader. She fought back during those challenging times by staying positive and resilient. Winners always set then apart from losers by maintaining resilience during difficult times.

Be it a relationship tragedy, unemployment, or a difficult job, we are repeatedly tested for personality traits like patience and resilience. The first most important thing while dealing with difficult times is to identify the situation and accept it as quickly as possible. When you stay oblivious — intentionally or unintentionally — things get worse, often very quickly.

Once you’ve identified difficult times, it is important to manage the intense emotions associated with it. Knowing that you’re indeed going through difficult times would prompt a mixture of negative emotions, including fear, anxiety, and stress. You should stay calm and evaluate the problem elaborately. After evaluation, you can make a plan and act.

Being confident is the most powerful mantra for dealing with difficult times. Successful people who have survived difficult situations are overconfident and delusional. While being confident, however, you need to make a distinction between denying the problem and being overconfident about getting rid of it.

While facing a difficult time, there’s another easier — or a bit hard — way to keep emotions at bay: keep yourself as busy as possible. Keeping yourself busy will not only distract you from all the negative emotions but will also get closer to goals.



Anju Agarwal Nagarpalika Chairperson

Anju Agarwal Nagarpalika Chairperson works to improve the environment & infrastructure of Muzaffarnagar. Her main role is to supervise the Nagarpalika.