Creating Your First React Native Project?

2 min readSep 3, 2024


Prepare Yourself Mentally — It’s More Than Just Writing ‘Hello World’

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Okay…so, you’re excited to create your first React Native project, even if it’s just a simple ‘Hello World’.

But it can get really frustrating when the tutorial steps don’t match up with what you’re seeing on your PC because they’re outdated.

As a result, you might think about QUITTING.

Well, it happened to me. I almost thought of quitting, but thankfully came to my senses after 2 days…phew.

So, as a fellow React Native newbie, I don’t want you to QUIT.

That’s why I am passing along some important tips to make your first experience smoother:

  1. Open your favorite code editor, make sure you have the latest node version installed on your PC, then type:

npx create-expo-app@latest <Your Project Name>

Read more about Expo, here:

2. It’s important to understand the folder structure. Because here’s where the magic lies.

Refer to this wonderful official doc:

3. For now, you’ll be working exclusively with the index.tsx file, which is located in the app → (tabs) folder within your project folder.

4. In the index.tsx file, you’ll see a return statement. This where you’ll add your first piece of code:

5. What are <ThemedView>, <ThemedText>, and styles?

<ThemedView> → Think of it as the React Native equivalent of an HTML <div> tag.
<ThemedText> → It’s like a <p> tag of html, where you put your text or paragraphs.
styles — This is a bit more complex and deserves its own discussion.

6. styles

Think of styles as the CSS for your React Native project.

It is similar to a JavaScript object, where you will define CSS equivalent style properties and assign values.


Usage of styles:

Defining styles of property type titleContainer:

And there you go!

I hope this article was helpful to you 😊

Keep Calm & Keep Coding!




I talk about Software Development and deep stuffs (well, thankfully not all the time :D)