Introducing a 4-Part React Native Tutorial Series…

Sep 2, 2024


Image credit: Lautaro Andreani on Unsplash

Recently, I wanted to teach myself React Native but after doing Google and YouTube searches I realized most of the articles and videos are outdated.

So, I thought to write up a 4-part tutorial series on the topic ( sharing these with you while I am learning. The aim is to solve confusion among fellow learners who are starting their React Native hands-on journey):

> File structure of React Native App, ThemedText, ThemedView, Styles

> How to work with React Hooks in React Native App

> How to navigate between screens

> Finally, a step-by-step tutorial on building a Simple Login & Registration mobile App with MongoDB as a database.

Let me know if you want me to cover something else in this series. It will help with my learning, too.

Keep Cool & Keep Coding!




I talk about Software Development and deep stuffs (well, thankfully not all the time :D)