5 ways of looking at Machine Learning… What is ML?

Ankit Mistry
1 min readApr 14, 2018



2) We have solved lot of 2 equation 2 unknown problem.

2x + 3y =5

-4x+7y = 9

Solving Machine learning problem means exactly solving these type of equation. only difference is that in case of ML we have millions of equation, billions of unknown and trillion of possible solution. Our task is to find best solution out of such huge possibility of solution.

3) Look at below series :




For computer above all are numbers, For us

in 1st — All are same

in 2nd — increase and decrease sequence

in 3rd — continuously increasing

So, finding such rule, pattern from Data is Machine Learning.

4) Automation is all about do work in loop like for and while loop of programming language.

Then Machine Learning is about automatic building if/else part of system.

5) Industrial revolution — Automation

Current era, Machine Learning — Automation of automation

Future, AutoML — Automation of automation of automation

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