How to stop eating sugar — TheWellnessVilla — And stop the vicious circle.

Maria Digitals
8 min readApr 5, 2020


It’s no secret that excessive sugar intake can lead to obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease or cancer over time. However, many of us are not even aware of how much sugar to include in our daily diet. Or how to stop eating sugar.

Too much sugar consumption has negative health consequences. Nutrition experts say that removing refined sugar from the diet makes us more alert during the day. And helps us stay focused and not hungry so often. You hear warnings about excessive sweets, you know that they contribute to extra pounds. But how can you motivate yourself to stop eating sugar?

Why is sugar addictive

There are several reasons why we feel the need to eat sweets. According to experts, one of the reasons is genetic. Which establishes since birth, the preferred sweet taste for the rest of the life.

Carbohydrates (sugar being an unhealthy type of carbohydrate, explained below) stimulate the release of serotonin. A substance that causes the appearance of a pleasant sensation. The sweet taste also determines the release of endorphins, some substances that cause the sensation of calm and relaxation. Like a natural drug, which is what makes it so difficult to stop eating sugar.

Moreover, experts say that an important learned component, superimposed on the genetic one, is involved. Thus, each time we reward our efforts with something sweet, the preference for sweets is accentuated. Eventually leading to the repeated need to eat sweets.

Of course, the problem becomes important when we consume large quantities of sugar-containing products. Such as refined sweets, juices, sauces, yogurts or cakes.

Why is sugar bad for you

In general, the sweet taste indicates that something is edible, the poisonous fruits and plants being bitter or sour. At the same time, sugar is added in the manufacturing process to improve the aroma, texture, color. And to promote fermentation, to balance acidity, to prevent the development of bacteria. And to extend the life of the respective product.

Why is sugar the most unhealthy type of carbohydrate? Given that all carbohydrates are broken down into sugars in the body anyway? Natural sugars from foods are absorbed by the body gradually, providing energy throughout the day. As they also contain fiber (which slows absorption), and carbohydrates (which must be broken down by the body into glucose and released into the blood).

The added sugar, on the other hand, has no nutrients (only calories). Which enters the system very quickly, and the body’s reaction is to produce too much insulin (which lowers blood sugar). In return, causing the body to demand even more sugar and making it even more difficult to stop eating sugar.

In time, this vicious circle no longer leads to the use of sugar for energy purposes. But to its deposition in the body, it results in fattening, diabetes, dental problems, cardiovascular diseases, kidneys disease. And a diet more than likely lacking in essential nutrients.

Read related — Foods rich in collagen (and how sugar reduces collagen)

How to stop eating sugar

Try the Sugar Detox to stop eating sugar

If you really mean sugar, detoxing is the best way to stop sugar. According to a study by Bartolotto, the subjects avoided sugar for a few weeks. And the desire for sweets was completely gone.

It may be easier to slow down your sugar intake, but this will only hold you back for longer. According to the Bartolotto study, after six days, most people no longer felt the desperate desire for sugar.

Fill your body with healthy fat to stop eating sugar

Nutrition writer Sarah Wilson explains that the human body naturally desires sweet, fatty foods. As these ingredients are high in calories. However, now that we are no longer the cavemen who are at risk of starvation. This craving mechanism can only cause diabetes.

To satisfy your deep-seated desire for high-calorie foods, you should take healthy fatty foods to stop eating sugar. Fats are just as satisfying as sugar, but they cause far fewer problems. Healthy fats such as cheese, tuna or eggs help you to feel full and satiated. Without causing your blood sugar to drop.

Use other sweeteners to fill sweet cravings

Read the entire article here —

Drink water or tea to avoid hidden sugars

Fruits, to help you stop eating sugar

Destroy chocolate cravings with magnesium supplements..

Read the entire article here-

Cook your own meals to stop eating sugar

The only way to avoid this excess sugar is to start cooking for ourselves. Spicy, salty, sour and creamy spices can add a lot of flavor without increasing your sugar intake. It may take a little extra time, but it is definitely worth it.

Restrain the fake sweeteners that only increase cravings

Avoid eating sugar accidentally

One of the biggest sources of hidden sugars is actually spice because these pre-packaged sauces contain too much-added sugar. For example, tomato sauce is about 50 percent sugar, so consuming a hamburger would actually expose your body to sugar.

Other spices that are high in sugars include grilled sauce, salad dressing, and honey mustard sauce. Try to stick to flavors such as soy sauce, mayonnaise, mustard and vinegar that do not contain added sugar.

Support it to make it easier

It is always harder to stop eating sugar if you do it alone. Instead of trying to refuse sweet food in a noble way when all of your friends and family consume them, try to find a sugar-free buddy who joins the process.

Being supported by someone else makes it easier for you to stay positive and reach your goals. If you get a partner, you will get someone to encourage and share sugar-free tips with you.

Some additional tips to stop eating sugar

If you delve into starting a sugar-free life, you will find that some experts recommend that you eliminate sugar from your diet overnight. While others know that graduation is the solution.

But which is the better decision?

That depends on you! you know that small changes will be on you, or if you suddenly jump to plunge into things

Of course, you need to know that this is about added sugar because experts say you don’t have to eliminate everything that contains sugar in your diet. Fruits contain fruit sugar, but they are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Instead, you should try to keep your daily sugar intake below the recommended limit. 9 teaspoons for men, which is about 150 calories, and 6 teaspoons for women, which is 100 calories. The problem is that we usually consume much more sugar, which in addition to obesity, also causes various other health problems.

However, the following tips can help you reduce your sugar intake!

If you’re a fan of drastic changes

  • Empty the cupboards! If the temptation is not there, you are unlikely to go to the market just to buy some sweets!
  • Plan your cheating! If you are an all or nothing type of person, think ahead. Like, where you will be seduced, in what place, in a situation you can’t say no. Plan what you’re going to eat, but make sure it’s not at home, but somewhere else you need to order it, order it, and there’s no way to “figure it out” all night.
  • Replace sugar with something that has a similar effect. If you need a stroke of sugar every afternoon, try coffee or tea instead. But it also helps if you know when you are seduced after lunch, that you are now trying to exclude those situations from your daily routine.

If you were to eliminate the sugars gradually

  • Reduce the added sugars! See where most sugars come from and what you can eliminate from them. For example, if you eat a lot of yogurt with lots of sugar, you should now eat natural or Greek yogurt and add fresh fruits.
  • Try your favorite sweet things less sweetly! There’s coffee, say: look at the amount of sugar you still want to drink. If you can reduce 2 cubes of sugar or two spoonfuls of honey all the time, it matters a lot!
  • Reward yourself with sugar instead of sugar! For example, if you always eat your pancake with maple syrup, reduce the amount of syrup by half. And throw in a couple of rings of banana instead. Just as sweet, but not sugar! Or you can try other sweet, non-sugary things instead of sugar: dark chocolate, some pineapple, kernels. Or, if you reduce your dose, say two cups of tea instead of the usual 4 muffins.
  • No matter what you drink! In many cases, food can be reduced in sugar, but beverages can also slip. Smooth water, your own, sugar-free syrups, ginger-cucumber water is a great choice. But avoid sugary or sugar-free but sweeteners and juices!

Goodbye to sugar

It may be difficult, but by detoxifying smart substitutes and sugar, you will eventually be unable to add to this dangerous and highly addictive substance. And finally, be able to stop eating sugar. If it seems difficult to reduce it completely, you are free to start lowering your sugar consumption by entering one or two items on the list.

Even smaller sugar changes can reduce obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and many other health problems. If you start cutting sugar today, you can quickly have a positive impact on your health throughout your life.

Originally published at on April 5, 2020.



Maria Digitals

Digital Marketer, Founder of Startup enthusiast, Health and beauty Coach, Wellness coach.