A proven method to change negative thinking to positive thinking

3 min readApr 11, 2022

Well, what if I tell you I have something miraculous for you that can really change the way you think? Before I go ahead, let me ask you all, how many of you have the habit of thinking negatively in every other situation?

I can see that almost everyone has their hands up! (Count me in too. Shhhh..Though I have improved a lot, I swear!!)

Why does this happen? Why do we think negatively in every situation?

Because we are always in Autopilot mode.

What do you do when you are driving on a regular route? And how is it different from the experience when you are on a new route? The difference lies in how you respond. On a new route, you are alert. You are always present, but on a regular route, you are driving physically, while your mental pattern has taken you to another world. This is what being in Autopilot means.

And we work on this mode almost always. Since what we do more, strengthen more. This autopilot makes sure that we keep thinking. In a loop. Thoughts of worry, stress, irritation, fear, and what not!

Source: Book Feeling Good: The new Mood therapy’

What if there is a solution?

No, no! I am not talking about meditation. For sure, meditation is one of the methods I strongly advocate but what about those who can’t meditate?

Maybe try Cognitive therapy!

Cognitive therapy is a fast-acting technology of mood modification that you can learn to apply on your own. It can help you eliminate the symptoms and experience personal growth so that you can minimize future upsets.

The first principle of Cognitive therapy is that your thoughts create your moods. And all your thoughts are created by your beliefs and perceptions. If your perception is distorted and twisted, your emotional response is abnormal.

I am sure you would have heard that ‘we ARE the stories we tell ourselves’. However, we are also the stories we experience. And if the experience is traumatic, painful, anything that triggers that memory brings us more pain, more trauma.

To change something one has to dig deeper into what is causing that problem. And this therapy does that. It first works on changing the thoughts from negative to positive, and as the process continues, it helps you dig deeper into what is causing the problem.

I won’t go into detail teaching about how to do this at your end. This is the job of a therapist. What I can assure is that this works. At least that is what I have heard of! For me, meditation does the same, and therefore I do not wish to try a new technique. But if you are someone who finds it hard to sit for 30–40 minutes meditating and still wants to change yourself into a positive person, maybe this method is for you!

Something worth remembering is that nothing happens overnight. You have to be patient, with yourself and with the process.

Patience can move mountains, remember!!!

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I am a terminal Cancer Survivor and I provide free consultation to Cancer patients. Send me a message on Quora https://www.quora.com/profile/Ankita-Sinha-517