A deep dive into LinkedIn’s “Collaborative Articles”

5 min readFeb 9, 2024


LinkedIn has always been a go-to for fresh, engaging features. Among its latest innovations, one feature, in particular, caught my attention: The “Collaborative Articles”. It’s hard not to notice that almost everyone around us is deeply engaging with these with some proudly flaunting their “Top Community Voice” badges. Even I found myself drawn into a few of these captivating exchanges. This got me thinking: What makes this feature so engaging? LinkedIn’s been on a mission to jazz up the platform with a bit of influencer and content creator magic, but “Collaborative Articles” is not just another content-sharing tool; it’s a masterstroke in user engagement, brilliantly tapping into the innate needs of its users while achieving the platform’s goals. Hence I decided to pen down some of my thoughts about it.

What are Collaborative Articles?

Collaborative articles on LinkedIn are a smart mix of AI technology and human insight, brought to life by the LinkedIn team to get people talking. These articles start off as AI-powered ideas from LinkedIn’s editors, but they’re really just the beginning. They’re meant to be conversation starters, inviting everyone on the platform to chip in with their own thoughts and experiences. Imagine them as open invitations to share what you know, learn from others, and see different viewpoints from professionals all around the world.

Initiating Interaction: the first nudge

The first push towards engagement comes from a personalized touch that truly stands out: the ‘invitation to contribute’. Imagine logging in and seeing a notification that you’ve been specially picked to share your insights on a topic. It’s more than just a little nudge; it feels like a spotlight shining on you, recognizing your potential to add something valuable to the conversation. This approach does wonders because it directly appeals to our sense of importance, making us feel valued and smart, singled out for our thoughts on complex issues. It’s a subtle yet powerful way of saying, “Your voice matters here” which can be incredibly motivating.

Establishing Genuinity

When LinkedIn picks a topic for you, it’s not a shot in the dark; it’s a match made with care. The platform makes sure that the subjects you’re invited to talk about are ones you know a thing or two about. This thoughtful matching isn’t random — it’s a deliberate choice to make every invite feel personal and relevant. it’s a strategic move that enhances the perceived authenticity and relevance of the invitation. By doing so, LinkedIn ensures that contributors not only feel genuinely appreciated for their expertise but are also more inclined to share their unique insights, thereby enriching the content and fostering a sense of community. It’s a way for LinkedIn to say, “We value what you bring to the table” encouraging you to open up and share those nuggets of wisdom that only you can.

Sparking Conversations with Interactivity

Engaging with these articles goes beyond just reading; it’s an interactive experience. With features that allow you to comment, like, and share, the platform turns every article into a starting point for dynamic discussions. These interactive elements turn passive consumption into active participation making users interact not only with the content but also with each other, facilitating discussions that can lead to new connections, collaborations, and insights — that too with people in your domain. This interactivity adds another layer to user engagement, making the platform more engaging and sticky.

Incentivizing good behaviour

LinkedIn elevates the engagement strategy by introducing rewards for active participation. Contributors who frequently share their knowledge have the opportunity to earn badges, such as “Top Community Voice” on a topic. It’s a smart way to encourage more sharing and participation, tapping into our natural desire for recognition and a place in the spotlight. These badges do more than just feed our need for social approval; they help us shine professionally in a space all about growing careers and showcasing expertise.

Reducing participation friction

LinkedIn has found a clever way to make joining in less daunting and more inviting. Traditionally, crafting a post on LinkedIn demands a considerable investment of time and thought, given its a direct reflection of one’s professional image. Unlike more casual social platforms, the content here required to be carefully curated, introducing a notable point of friction for active participation. However, collaborative articles streamline the engagement process by offering a more accessible and less daunting avenue for contribution, opening up the opportunity for every user to step into the role of a thought leader. This approach boosts engagement by making it easier to participate more often and in more ways, enriching the platform with diverse perspectives and enhancing the frequency of user contributions.

Network Effects — a true win-win

The real magic of LinkedIn’s Collaborative Articles isn’t just in creating content; it’s in how they use the network effect to everyone’s advantage. When contributors get recognized and start building their reputation as thought leaders, it does more than just boost their profiles. It enriches LinkedIn with a variety of quality content, drawing in more readers, sparking new discussions, and building a growing treasure trove of shared knowledge. This creates a cycle where each contribution not only reaches wider audiences but also adds to the platform’s energy and significance. It’s a win-win situation where the community’s collective efforts enhance both individual visibility and the value of LinkedIn for everyone.

Diving into LinkedIn’s collaborative articles has been quite the adventure, revealing a golden rule of creating great digital spaces: really getting what users want is everything. This feature isn’t just a shiny new toy; it’s a clever trick that hits the sweet spot, tapping right into our craving for a pat on the back, a gold star, and feeling like we belong. Going through this was a blast, and it’s been a reminder that at the heart of all those buzzwords and tech talk, it’s all about crafting something that clicks with people on a human level. I’ve had my say, but I’m all ears for yours — after all, it’s the collective wisdom that truly brings this topic to life!




Product Manager in financial services space. Passionate about food and travel.