How to Use ChatGPT to Learn ANY Topic in Under 10 Mins.

Learn while your coffee brews.

Ankita Shetty
4 min readJan 29, 2024
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I’ve been using ChatGPT for months, and each time I’m more amazed by what it can do.

You can use it for your personal work or for your official practice, like how I use it for documentation as a product manager.

Apart from helping you with work, ChatGPT also makes a great teacher! With the right prompts, you can delve into interesting topics to learn, and swap your social media scrolling time with meaningful experience.

How? By using the following techniques & prompts to get the easiest head start. (Using ChatGPT 3.5)

Learn like you’re five

This prompt is a quick go-to if you want to understand a topic while brewing your coffee.

Prompt: Explain quantum physics like I am five

Prompt: Explain blackhole like I am five

Prompt: What is the difference between a microwave oven and a convection oven? Explain like I am five

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This is the most basic version of any concept you can understand for any complex topic in the world. Use this as a starting point when you want to understand a topic outside of your field.

If you’re looking to understand the same topic in specialized terms, then use the prompt below.

Prompt: Explain quantum physics in simple terms

Prompt: Explain blackhole in simple terms

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Learn through Case Studies

Just like stories stimulate you more than data, case studies teach you more about subjects than actual subject matter.

Case studies impact your view of the subject. You learn better through experimental evidence bundled with facts, history and lessons- both good and bad.

For instance, while learning the basics of marketing, I was intrigued to learn historical case studies on good and bad marketing. Here are the prompts I used.

Prompt: Tell me a fun case study on marketing

Prompt: Share a case study where package revamp marketing went wrong

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Break down a complex topic

If I had access to this while growing up, I could’ve saved thousands in tuition fees.

Ever since I discovered this prompt technique, I’ve been addicted to it.

Pick any topic you want to learn, like coding, politics, marketing, healthcare, mathematics, philosophy, ANY subject. Now, use this guide to simplify it by splitting it into smaller chunks. And use it to explain each chunk using real-life examples to make it easier to grasp.

Prompt: Break the topic programming into smaller, easier-to-understand parts. Use real-life examples to simplify the topic and make it more relatable.

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Replace ‘programming’ with the topic of your interest. Allow ChatGPT to lay it down piece by piece while you devour.

Learn from books without reading books

Atomic Habits, Think Fast & Slow are some of the widely read books I haven't perused yet.

And there would be books you wish to read but don't have time for. So, how do you get the gist under 10 mins?

By condensing the content and grasping the concepts through examples given for each idea in the book.

Prompt: Summarize the book Atomic Habits. Give me an outline of the most important concepts and prime examples from the book.

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This prompt is also conducive to understanding what the book is about before you decide to buy.

PS: ChatGPT 3.5 has training data up to January 2022.

So, any books published after this date won’t come up until Open AI adds it into its training data.

I hope this helps you.

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