The Rust Programming Language
The Rust Programming Language

The Rust Programming Language — Pattern Matching — Pattern matching using Enums

Ankit Tanna
4 min readOct 16, 2023


Enums can be used to match the pattern against literals. Literals are nothing but the variant inside the enum.

Rust provides us with a keyword called match which is basically like a switch case statement in other languages. Using match keyword, you can create blocks of code which should execute when the variable(case) matches the literal value.

Take for e.g. below code snippet:

enum Color {

fn main() {
let current_color: Color = Color::Green;

match current_color {
Color::Red => {
println!("The color is Red!");
Color::Yellow => {
println!("The color is Yellow!");
Color::Green => {
println!("The color is Green!");


  1. We use the match keyword on the variable/case on which we want to execute the pattern matching.
  2. We match on a variable named current_color and we create a pattern matching for each variant of enum Color identifier using namespace

Since Rust is a strict programming language, the only issue with doing pattern matching on an enum is that you need to handle each and every variant. So for the…

