How to Grow My Business- 9 Ways How to Grow My Business Faster in 2020

Ankit Chamoli
4 min readDec 31, 2019


Every business owners have numerous plans when they’re starting out, including fast growth, recognition and acknowledgement for their venture. But every overnight success has the story of 10 full years of hardwork, dedication, passion and love: There’s no “special recipe” or “magic trick” for instant results.

However, there are ways to reach growth milestones that can catapult a business to success so, Here are some ways you can grow your business faster :

How to Grow Business Faster

1. Invest in Yourself — Get a Business Coach

You are the pilot of the ship in order to stay ahead you need to invest in yourself first to accelerate the growth speed. A personalized business COACH will not only help you to keep your game up also helps you to reflect on your decision. As a high command it is necessary to have some one whit you who can give you the unbiased opinions.

hire the best business coach on the bases of…your gut, someone who understands country demographics, culture and values

2. Core Team — Make Your Own Aligned Core Team

You can’t do it alone for any business to grow you need solid team or core team. The potential of each member to give their best is missing in 95% of companies and that is the reason why only 5% dominate the market.

Get your core team right and aligned, so they can put their best like you are putting to make your business a huge success

3. Business Strategy — Vision, Mission & Clear Path

A common business mistake that I see in even folks who’ve had businesses for years is not setting the right business strategy and goals. Strategy will help you to align your vision and mission with your core team, now you have your team to help your business to grow faster.

Your business need a clear path to grow let’s do strategy meet for your business and align your core team now…meet your core team every week to keep them on track….

4. Hire Right People — Culture Fit Brand Ambassadors

As you grow faster with strategy you will need more people in your ship, hiring is the most critical job of an entrepreneur for his/her business only hire those people who align with your vision and ready for the mission then evaluate their skills based on passion and dedication they put in previous assignments.

Remember you are hiring the brand ambassador for your business not just 9 to 6 employee …

5. Ideal Persona — Identify Your Right Client Persona

Work only with the right client ideally with the exact client persona who just LOVE your product and services. Do not invest in marketing without identifying your ideal client persona understand them, read them and just target those set of people or market only for the fastest growth rate.

Your ideal client persona is someone who loves travelling, enjoy riding race cars, lives in super society and follows golf …

6. Sales, Revenue, Marketing — Generate Money…More Money

Sales funnels can help to automate your business. It helps you to scale and grow quickly and easily. Sure, there’s some front-end work involved. Obviously. But, once those processes are in place, it’s smooth sailing from there.

Once you understand your client’s persona now you can start marketing harness the digital age and get your product and services visible to your client. Keep a good budget of Marketing for your business being cheap is a trap.

Being cheap in marketing or building your funnels is actually a very bad idea…Money makes Money :)

7. Scaling your Business — Franchising, Investing or International Partnership

Once you started generated enough money it is the time when you can start scaling your business you can choose and of the option to scale yours depending upon your model. Ideally franchising being the simple one but you can also invest in other similar kind of business or probably can have international partnerships.

Scaling is a crucial game make your contracts very carefully…you can opt of expert advice as well

8. Customer Mindset — Excite Them, Surprise Them & Love Them

Customers are not bad at all.. they are looking the solution for their problem now, if your product or services solves their problem they are the most valuable brand ambassadors of your business. Make an extraordinary product give an extraordinary services so your clients remembers you, talk about you….

Give wow experience to your customers check your NSP (Net Promoter Score) make them feel AWESOME…

9. Empower your Employees

Treat your employees like your own family empower them with new technologies, workshops, training so they can grow in life and produce best quality work for your business aswell…align them for one common vision and mission by various engagement activities, meet them once in a month if huge setup atleast

Empower your employees so they grow and treat them so well so they stay with you for your vision…WHEN THEY GROW,WE GROW

