Ankit Yadav
2 min readSep 22, 2020

National aeronautics and space adminstration(NASA) was established in 1951. NASA has more than 140,000 still images, audio recordings and videos, which in its own a quite difficult task to manage all that when the number still keeps on growing. In the early 2000's NASA began providing the access to those photos and videos when media capture began shift from analog to digital. But the challenge NASA faced was that with the media in so many different places it was quite a difficult task to figure out where to look for the right information, like if you wanted a video of a space shuttle launch, you had to go to kennedy space center website and same for other contents. For that NASA decided to bring the contents from all the wesites and to put them in one place, but it was not an easy task to do because that decision resulted in multiple copies of the same image, which was not a good thing from user's point of view. So, to solve this issue NASA decided to set some new approach in 2011. So, instead of spending money on buying new hardwares and building data center, NASA's partner Infozen(IT company that povides system modernization, cloud solutions and DevOps supporting critical national missions) decided to build the Solution on Amazon Web Services(AWS), largest cloud services provider.

Infozen took advantages of following services of Amazon :

* EC2 - provides compute as a service. This saves NASA's huge amount of money, gives NASA a feature of "pay as we go".

* Simple Storage Service(Amazon S3) - gives NASA a storage support to incoming (uploaded) media, metadata and published assets.

* Elastic Load Balancing(ELB) - used to distribute traffic across multiple Amazon EC2 instances.

* Simple Queue Service(SQS) - used to decouple incoming jobs from pipeline processes.

* Relational Database Service(Amazon RDS) - used for automatic synchronization and failover.

* Amazon CloudSearch - used to support searching by free texts or fields.

* AWS CloudFormation - used for automatically creation, updating and destruction of AWS resources.

AWS has benefitted NASA in various things like easy access to the Wonders of Space giving users a never felt before experience, they are just one searh away and other giving fetures like turning captions on or off for videos played on the site. AWS has provided NASA many other benefits too like built-in Scalability, Good Use of Taxpayer dollars. by building its library of image and video in cloud, NASA avoided the building data centers and managing and maintaining server cost .


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