Deep Learning Through Stories

May 29, 2023


Learning deep learning involves knowing some fundamental concepts and then lot’s of other concepts built on top of it. For beginners in this journey — like me — going into a concept one at a time is helpful and if it is illustrated through a story — it’s cherry on top of cake. And that’s what is the goal of this new series — Deep Learning Through Stories or DLTS / DLThroughStories in short.

And now that we have great Text Generators available to us in terms of the LLM engines, let’s fire them up to create stories for the topics we are interested in. So in this series we use the power of LLM’s to generate stories based on Panchtantra, Vikram Vetal, Arabian Nights and others to understand deep learning concepts.

Let’s start off.

#DLTS #DLThroughStories

