Ankit Nakra
3 min readJul 23, 2020

Handling negative feedback for Youtube if i were the PM

Youtube Negative feedback

Customer feedback is one of the important ways to keep track of product current health and identify features and strategy for future

The approach would be to analyze the potential causes for negative user feedback

Data will be captured through multiple resources such as Appstore Ratings, Personal Interviews, surveys, etc

I will start by analyzing data to get answers to the following questions

1. Is it on Mobile app, website

2. Is it specific to a device

3. Is it specific to an OS

4. Is it specific to a certain region

5. Is it been reported by a certain age group or during a certain time

6. is it related to user experience

7. Is it related to Online harassment

8. Is it related to content

Youtube Mission Statement

Our mission is to give everyone a voice and show them the world. We believe that everyone deserves to have a voice and that the world is a better place when we listen, share, and build community through our stories

My Priority on collaborating with the engineering team and fixing above issues will depend upon two factors, impact on engagement and retention metrics from negative publicity and Youtube mission statement

I will divide the above issues into technical and nontechnical Buckets

Points 1, 2,3,6,8, can be taken into technical bucket and rest can be taken to Semi-Technical Bucket

Out of technical buckets features

Priority will be given to User experience as bad user experience hampers the mission statement and Impacts negatively Retention and Engagement metrics the 2 important metrics that determine the health of the product

Let us further breakdown the user experience

is the main cause

1. UI?

2. UX?

3. Backend

4. Security concerns

5. Performance-related

What is the criticality of this concern

If Extremely urgent then will collaborate with the scrum team and will go for the hotfix,

Else will create an epic: Improve the user experience

Brainstorm with the scrum team to come up with user stories linked to the epic

Collaborate with the scrum team to find the Optimal solution

Will share user pain points in Current user journey with designers

if possible will also share wireframes or sketches for more clarity

Will share Functional flow and acceptance criteria with developers and QA

Will assist in answering all the queries team have

Once the solution has been built

Will do A/B testing with 30 % of overall users of youtube

Half will be shared new version and half the previous

Optimizely or some other tool can be used for A/B testing

Criteria for Success Retention rate after new update compare to before the update

Engagement Rate after the new update compare to before the update

Customer Reviews after update

3 Possible scenarios

Scenario1 feature is well received, will appreciate the team and incorporate new learnings and launch this feature to the whole user base

Scenario2: Feature is moderately successful, will evaluate and brainstorm to consider long term impact

Scenario3: Feature failed, will take ownership of the failure, apply the lessons learned from the failed project, and will start again.