Do You Know what Your Low Moments Have to Say about Your Life?

Life Stories for GrownUps
6 min readSep 29, 2016


Low moments exists. More or less frequently they’re coming in each one’s life. Sometimes they’re suddenly bursting in on our lives and we just cannot hide as much as we might trying.

We hate them and want them quickly out of our path.

Though, pretending they aren’t there isn’t a solution. Because they might go away for the moment and then come back stronger.

Better let your low moments talk to you and listen carefully.

Sometimes I deny having a bad day and push myself to do my work like nothing happened. For a few hours, I can still do some tasks and feel like I’ve over passed the moment. But the next day, things are getting worse and I barely can do something.

By denying that I’m down, I just postpone the low moment’s effects.

Low moments usually bring in negative thoughts making you thinking about the worse scenarios.

You know that kind of days when nothing seems to work.

We think low moments are coming just to interrupt us from our route. Yet sometimes they’re here to tell us some things about ourselves or about our business.

2 Things Low Moments Might Want to Tell You and What You’re Supposed to Do

There are two main messages low moments might want to convey us:

1.You’re tired physically.

You worked too much to reach tough deadlines in a sustained rhythm. Now your body or your mind need some rest to recover.


Think about how you spent the last days. If this is true, take a rest, go for a walk, refresh yourself with a natural fruit drink.

Taking a day off would be a good idea.

If the next day you resume your work without any problems, you’ve passed over it and you’re back on track.

2.You’re tired psychically.

You lack energy. You’ve been in a flow for several days, ideas sparkled, and everything at work was growing.

Or you had just worked as in any of your ‘normal’ days without going overboard. Without any clear reason, you woke up with low energy and feel like quitting. you lack productivity and motivation to work your to-do list.

In these situations, your bad day could have two possible reasons:

1.Something you haven’t noticed happened and put you down. Could be a message from someone, a talk or dispute with a friend or co-worker or with a family member, a bad news you heard or read about.

Sometimes we’re taking without realizing some small pieces of negative energy from outside. They don’t change our state right in the moment we get in contact with. We think we passed over or even we don’t know they affected us. But they are still working behind our rational mind.


Review your last days. If you identify something like this, ask yourself why does it make you feel down? See what this feeling wants to tell you.

There could be just an evanescent mood whiteout any particular reason and it will pass as it came.

If not, that means behind that feeling could be some old problems your mind encounters.

It could be:

  • a lack of clarity about your long term or short term goals
  • you’re not clear about your work’s reason why or on your established daily priorities
  • there are some problems in your relationships with your colleagues, friends or family members


Try to identify what’s going on and think about what you could do to settle the issue.

If you feel like you’re quitting your work, maybe you should review your goals. Also, check if you really have a clear purpose.

Why are you doing what you’re doing? Where all your daily activities are supposed to bring you in the future?

Are you doing the important thing or you’re just busy?

Clarifying your direction and priorities should be enough to put you back on the right track.

2.The second reason you’re feeling down and lack energy could be that you don’t like the work you have to do. There are tasks you like doing and some others you don’t.

You’ve been in a flow because you enjoyed your tasks. Now there are some unpleasant things to do and you don’t feel comfortable with them.

You just don’t like to do these tasks or you’re stuck because you don’t know how to do them.

Our energy increases any time we’re doing what we like to do and what we’re clear about.


In the case you feel that you don’t perform your tasks with pleasure, you can delegate or outsource them. If you’re unclear about some details, go find more information.

When encountering low moments, most people think they need more motivation. They try to force themselves to think positive by suppressing their negative thoughts.

This is the worst way to go.

Suppressing your negative thoughts and denying your low feelings don’t solve the problem. It only delays the moment you need to take a look deeper at the causes which generated your lack of motivation.

The low moments could lead someday to a crisis. We behave as nothing happened and push ourselves. Eventually we’ll arrive to procrastinate or even abandon our work.

When our goals are clear, the low moments will disappear in a short while. We will feel more determined to follow our direction.

What we call bad days come in our lives just to reinforce our decision to reach our targets.

But if we’re unclear about the ultimate reason of our tasks, we have a problem.

When analyzing the root of our bad moods we could find causes we’ve never been thinking about

The truth is that doing things we don’t like drains our energy.

But, sometimes we have to do them as part of a bigger project we are deeply motivated to do.

In this latter case, succeeding in performing them will be counted as a victory, will enhance our self-confidence and reinforce our determination to succeed.

In the case these tasks takes us nowhere we have to dig deeper. We might do them for reasons which have nothing to do with our priorities. They are on other people’s agendas.

Let’s take an example:

You have a job you hate. Or you’re a freelancer and have to work on a project you don’t like.

You might do your work because that’s life and life means struggling to make a living. You’ll better stop it and re-evaluate.

Your actual job or project could be a necessary step to get where you really want to be. In this case, you’ll have the energy and you’ll find ways to do it without problems.

You’re in a job you hate but for some reasons you cannot quit. Yet nothing could stop you from transforming it in a bridge toward the place you want to get to.


You just have to establish for yourself a target to reach and start working on it on the side. In this way, your horrible job will become bearable. You’ll know you’re working to make it obsolete.

Find a clear purpose for your life.

What does Living with a Purpose mean

Living with a purpose is not gurus’ fancy idea. Having a purpose in our lives is a must for anyone of us.

It doesn’t mean aiming to change the world, though by evolving as a person you’ll contribute to it.

Having a purpose means you know what you want in life and why you want it.

It could be to:

  • develop your music talent and sing,
  • hone your writing skills to better express your ideas and share them with others,
  • learn to become a better mother or a better father,
  • be an entrepreneur and solve peoples’ problems,
  • become a politician and make a change in your community,
  • being a priest or a teacher to help people grow,
  • you name it.

Anything you choose must come from inside and be something making you feel enthusiastic.

So, anytime you encounter low moments:

  • Take the opportunity to make an introspection
  • Identify what exactly they’re willing to tell you
  • Take actions to transform your bad days in occasions to correct your route
  • Be honest and true to yourself
  • Re-evaluate your goals and your life’s reason why.

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PS You can find me on my blog, Pass To Riches where I’m writing about entrepreneurship, startups and business mindset.

