Make Money as a Newbie with Google Adsense

Rogue Entity
6 min readSep 6, 2021


While scrolling through a website or watching a video a on Youtube, there are ads that show up every now and then. Reason behind these ads is Google Adsense. Google Adsense is an advertising program that empowers you to run ads on your webpages or your YouTube Videos. Now every time someone clicks on them, you get paid for it.

Things are usually difficult as a. webmaster who’s new to the game of making and maintaining websites. Also, purchasing a website domain and hosting for the same can cost a lot of money. Now if your website is attracting traffic, by making use of Google Adsense you can earn money every time someone clicks on ads that appear on your website.

Google Adsense is considered as one of the best ways of generating income for new websites. These ads that your website’s visitors will see are generated via Google AdWords Program. You’ll have to feed the special Adsense code you get onto your website to be able run ads.

Types of Adsense Ads

1)Text Ads: These come in two forms: As an ad unit (One offer) or a Link Unit (Multiple Offers). These can come in a variety of sizes.

Quick tip: Keep in mind that the color of the box, text, and link can be customized to what suits your website the best.

2)Image Ads: These are graphic ads that can come in a variety of sizes like in the case of text ads.

Quick tip: By accessing the ad feed option, you can mix both text and image based Ads.

3)Video Ads

4)Animated Image Ads

5)Adsense for Search: This feature empowers you to have a Google Search Box on your website/blog. Whenever you’ll. conducts a search using it, you’ll be redirected to a search result page that opens with Adsense ads.

Quick tip: The Color Scheme of search result page can be customized in accordance to your websites theme.

Google Adsense Payments

Users receive payments on a monthly basis when it comes to Google Adsense. A $100 threshold has been set by google before it makes the payment to the Google Adsense account user. What this implies is every time your monthly earnings reach an amount of $100 or more, the payment of the same will be done by google at the end of the month via direct deposit.

If you’re not able to make it to $100 in a month, whatever you’ve made in that period will roll to the next month. You can also see your earnings, Ads that are generating maximum clicks, and much more using your Google Adsense account.

Tips for Maximizing Profits with Google Adsense

1)Comply with Google’s rules: You’ll have to go through Google’s Webmaster Policies and Adsense program policy properly.

Break the rules and Google will take your kneecaps right there. Just kidding😂

Jokes apart, breaking these rules can have some serious repercussions.

2)Don’t click on your own ads or ask others to click on them: Using a program to drive traffic to Adsense pages or buying Pay Per Click space is completely against Google’s Adsense Policy.

As I said earlier breaking rules can have some serious repercussions here, make sure you comply to them.

3)Create attractive and informative content: Nothing changes post Adsense when it comes to content on your website. You still have to focus on creating content that’s attractive and valuable to your audience.

4)Use legit website tracking building techniques: A robust SEO strategy along with Content Marketing are few of many effective ways to attracting organic traffic to your blog/website.

5)Optimize your Website’s mobile version: You’ll not always be sitting on a laptop or a pc when you need a piece of information. Infact over 56% of the users in US alone access search engines using mobile phones.

Keeping the rise in use of mobile devices in mind, you have to make sure your website’s mobile version doesn’t take much time in loading content. A higher loading speed will negatively impact your websites rank on the search engines.

There are several ways of reducing webpage’s loading speed which include making use of AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) and PWA (Progressive Web Apps). For more details on how to reduce your website’s pagespeed, check out this article.

6)Check for ad placement and types for maximum returns:

Types on basis of Size: This is a hit and trial method to judge what works best in your case. Standard sizes for ads with Google Adsense Program are: 300*250, 728*90, and 160*600. You can switch your ad sizes and see which ad layout generates maximum clicks.

Number of ad slots: You can place three standard ads per page on your website. Make sure you use all the available slots for maximum income.

Placement of ads: To increase chances of getting a click, you can place your ads above the fold. This way your viewers don’t have to scroll to find it on your webpage.

Quick Tip: Avoid placing the ad at the top of the page, instead place it right below your site’s logo to maximize visibility.

7)Use relevant in-content ads: In-content ads are nothing but ads that show up within your post’s body. Your audience will find these ads while reading your post.

Why relevant? Simply because it’ll increase your chances of getting a click from the reader of your post. Keep in mind that irrelevant ads are often ignored by the users as spam.

Another benefit you get out of such ads is your user might hop in back to read to your post after clicking on the ad. Remember that this’ll only happen if your article is informative and provides much more than the ad your user gets redirected to has to offer.

8)Keep track of ads performance: Make sure you use Google’s tools for monitoring an ads performance to reap maximum possible benefits from Google Adsense Program.

9)Keep updates from Google via mail in check: Google normally warns you over a mail if there’s something that is not adhering it’s policies on your site. Take these mails seriously and act promptly to be able to continue using Google’s services.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Google Adsense

The Google AdSense program has several great advantages including:

a)Relaxed Eligibility Criteria: Google doesn’t ask for much for you to be able to monetize your website. This means monetization of your website/blog can be done even when it’s relatively new to the game.

b) Variety of ad options: You can choose and customize ads in accordance to what’s relevant to your site.

c) Dollar is what I need: Google makes payments on monthly basis via direct deposit once you reach/cross its $100 threshold.

d) One Adsense account for multiple websites: Have multiple websites you’re working on at the same time? No problem! Google empowers you to run ads on multiple websites using a single Adsense account.

e) You can run ads on mobile devices and RSS feeds too

f) Run ads on YouTube/Bloggers account: Again, if you meet the eligibility criteria of a particular platform, Google Adsense if always there to cater your needs.

g) Its completely free to join

With that said, there are a few drawbacks to AdSense as well:

a) Break the rules and you’re done: Google doesn’t forgive those who break its rules that it has set for its Adsense users. Make sure you go through the policy properly and comply to each and every rule that has been listed out over there.

b) No Traffic, No money: No rocket science here, you’ll need traffic on your website/blog to get clicks and subsequently generate income. Focus on attracting more traffic by creating relevant and eye-catchy content for your audiences.

c) Doesnt standout when it comes to revenue: There are several other similar ad programs that are at par with Google Adsense as far as revenue generation is concerned.

d) Traffic gets redirected: Whenever someone clicks on these ads they get redirected to the website associated with the ad. One might see this as a lost opportunity of making money via higher paying affiliate products or even your own products/services.

That’s pretty much it as far as Google Adsense is concerned. I hope you found the article informative and enjoyed reading it.

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Website: Rogue Entity

