1.2 App Wire frame / Prototype

Ankur Pandey
2 min readJun 10, 2017


Format of web app

During our Hasura internship we have to make a web app or mobile app with 3 major screens apart from login or signup screens, this restriction was laid down on us since many of us were developing an app for the first time and also we were going to work in a time restricted frame were deadline for each stage of app development was fixed.

Prototyping platform used : proto.io

For Implementing the front-end I used:
Sweet Alert
Google charts

Description of the prototype

Home Screen

Home screen

Student Registration

To insert the name of the student in the database

Enter Credential screen for students

To lookup the result of particular student id

Administrator Login

Admin login

Major screens

Screen 1: Marks entry screen

Result is entered by the admin

Screen 2: Marks display screen

Tabular representation of Result

Screen 3: Graphical analysis screen

Graphical representation of Result and suggestion text

Next: Setup dev environment



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