GAMP 5 in Pharmaceuticals

Ankur Choudhary
3 min readApr 26, 2017


Why is GAMP relevant for pharma industry?

How can the implementation of GAMP 5 in pharmaceuticals take you just to some other levels of benefits? Let’s try to explore more about GAMP 5. Let’s also try to answer the above two questions.
We start with what actually GAMP is. Good Automated Manufacturing Practice or GAMP are basically some guidelines applicable to the users and producers of pharmaceutical products. It all sprang when some of the pharmaceuticals specialists in the UK felt a need to speak the demands of the niche and improve the dynamic prospects of the European regulatory agencies. In 1991, they came up with CAMP, a set of guidelines to make pharma companies aware of how they must validate their computer systems.
What is GAMP 5?
GAMP 5 is the most contemporary version of the guide. This is a superior Gamp. The newest version was rolled out in Feb 2008 and is deemed to be the most structured and project based approach. The new GAMP is committed to regulate the risks and assure the quality in computer-based systems governing the production and distribution of pharmaceuticals. The issuer of GAMP 5 is the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering, a partner company of GAMP.
Why is GAMP 5 important?
Pharmaceutical companies have the lives of people as their liability. That’s why the industry has really high measures for quality assurance of the products. A maker who is not delivering the products that suffice the guidelines of pharma authorities may even get outlawed. That’s where GAMP 5 comes out handy. GAMP 5 ensures that anything you produce meets the demands, rules, and regulations of the pharmaceuticals niche well.
Benefits of GAMP 5
GAMP can be the distinction between the approval and refusal of a pharmaceutical company. You have to meet high criteria of product qualities, and that’s what the GAMP 5 makes obvious for you. GAMP aren’t the rules you need to follow but are some guidelines that can lead you to make the best products. The proper implementation of GAMP 5 in pharmaceuticals warrants that you meet all the quality standards well enough.
Principles of GAMP 5
GAMP 5 functions by stressing on four principles. These principles are the ultimate achievers of the class of drugs you make. So let’s watch out the basic principles of GAMP 5.
1. The very first thing that GAMP 5 does is to avail the clear explanations of the regulatory provisions in creating automated pharmaceutical products.
2. Next, GAMP 5 also sets a general language and fixed jargons to ensure a well-organized and well-defined production strategy.
3. The third policy of GAMP 5 is to build a life cycle of the procedures from start to end. This covers all the perspectives of production right from raw materials to the finished products, all with best practices.
4. The last thing that GAMP 5 takes care of is handling the functions and duties of every player on a team. This the whole team finishing not before the suppliers.
For users, GAMP guidelines ensure that the automated system is in a perfect state for the production. Suppliers are also instructed to examine and check the products for any slightest of the impediments.
So here we discover that the GAMP 5 is indispensable for the pharmaceutical industry. If the implementation is right, it can take the manufacturing to a dominant height of quality. GAMP is critical both for the producers and users of pharmaceuticals.

