Process Simulation Test in Sterile Pharmaceutical Filling

Ankur Choudhary
3 min readMay 10, 2017


Process simulation test otherwise called the media fill test is one of the approval process used to assess the legitimacy of all the aseptic processes utilizing sterile media as opposed to the real item. It is the main process that is utilized as a part of the fabricate of sterile pharmaceutical items. Sterile pharmaceutical assembling experiences distinctive processes, for example, separating, crystallization, drying, processing and sterile filling which involves filling sterile materials in sterile holders in conditions that are aseptic. The process simulation thus applies the media fill test to every single aseptic process with a specific end goal to guarantee sterility in pharmaceutical items.

Process simulation in sterile pharmaceutical filling is connected to survey the assembling processes. The materials subjected incorporate the types of gear, instruments and processing holders. It is critical to control defilement at the section purpose of all media types of gear and surfaces. Process simulation test along these lines guarantees that the aseptic filling processes meets the qualification of the nature of the item that esteem fit for human utilization. Process simulation test in sterile pharmaceutical filling ought to be led by utilizing an adequate fluid medium that is arranged and filled in a simulation that really mirrors the fabricate of an ordinary creation with three hurries to be tested on partitioned days.

Process simulation utilizes media reasonable for testing bacterial development. On the off chance that the item is mass powder, disinfection by radiation ought to be utilized and the media ought to in this way be surrogate. The most widely recognized medium utilized as a part of process simulation test in sterile pharmaceutical filling is soy-bean casein process medium. The simulation process involves filling the media roughly at an indistinguishable length from of a typical clump. This media is fabricated in a similar zone that is normally made. In the sterile holding tank, channel the cluster aseptically and associate sterile silicon pipes then fill the media. The volume of the media filled ought not be essentially equivalent to the volume of the completed item however sufficiently adequate to wet the surfaces and empower recognition or examination of attractive impacts. This however is done in the filling region. Gather every one of the units and store in a kept up temperature as before or in a hatchery (initial 20–25 degrees for seven days then 30–35 degrees for seven days.)

After the brooding time frame, the unfriendly conditions ought to be noted. Smaller scale life forms and the test materials (compartments) are inspected to decide the nonappearance or nearness of development and any harm separately. In the event that the capacity compartment might be harmed, you will have a sign that the bundling framework is being referred to of value. Pollution distinguished in process simulation test in sterile pharmaceutical filling ought to have the capacity to give you different choices. This ought to result to examinations that may prompt a rehash of media fill or a re-approval taking after the examinations. Amid the examinations the reasons for pollution ought to be elucidated whether natural or human. It is additionally imperative to note that three back to back run must be done independently for approval with sterile media arrangement. This is done to guarantee consistency and unwavering quality of the sterile media.

