My Brand Page: updated months ago!

Let’s face it, entrepreneurs and startup founders don’t have the kind of time that is needed to generate and leverage social media following for their brands, the brands pages shine with glory mostly at the time of launch and lie untouched for most time and customers are less likely bother to like your page after seeing a ‘last post 3 months ago’ time stamp.

Ankur Bhugra
3 min readJul 28, 2016

Social media as everyone is aware has become a compulsory bandwagon to jump on but needs considerable time and money investment to be able to actually see some results, many of which are not immediate and requires time to be built up. Moreover, overtime several paid mediums have come up which have a learning curve and demand dedicated time. In the daily hustle of business social mostly gets left out.

@SusannahBirch a social media consultant and owner of @TrimesterTalk talks about another issue related to the rising dormant brand pages on social channels Susannah says: It is Possibly because many new startups are good at getting the initial burst of interest from consumers, but aren’t very good at converting those people into ongoing users who love the product.

In many cases people love an idea but find it isn’t hugely helpful to their own life. So they quickly move onto the next ‘big thing’.

Having an active social media presence requires considerable effort and an abandoned Twitter/Facebook page is a lot worse than having no presence at all. While customers visit your social account on Facebook/Twitter and find no posts since a month, what will they likely make out? the business is not doing well or maybe must have closed down or dying.

So what can you do if you do not have time for social media postings and engaging with your fan base online? Give just 10 mins of your daily schedule to do the following on twitter:

  1. You read great articles and share on your social media, make sure you share the articles within your niche mentioning the author with some insights or just acknowledging the value that you gained from the article.
    This not only serves your regular purpose of reading interesting articles but also provide something for your audience to read, share and tagging the author can get you more visibility.
    We experimented with posting one such tweet every day in June and this is how it turned up to be, we received 54k impressions, 2k profile visits 106 mentions and whopping 621 new followers with just 39 tweets in a month
June Analytics

Here’s one such tweet :

One such tweet
  1. Once in awhile do a keyword search related to your business on and retweet, reply to some of the tweets you like. This will increase your profile views and probability of your tweets being retweeted plus increase the engagement on your page.
  2. Also while reading articles do not lose the opportunity to login with your social account to comment your insight and an interesting closing line to drive more readers to your handles. Comments remain for long so fewer will do.
  3. Or if you don't have the kind of time for discovering quality content online, just signup for, enter the keywords you want to target and drumup will curate share worthy content that you can schedule from the same dashboard.

However these are not even close to being a substitute for social media marketing but this will keep you from being totally lost until you actually start taking control and leverage the benefits of social media.

And If you are ready to start your full blown stint in social media marketing, do check this out:

