Himachali Cap— The Traditional Brand of Himachal Pradesh

Ankur Kashyap
Himalayan Diaries
Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2018
Generations Wearing Himachali Topi (source-Google)

Being Himachali I always enjoy wearing Himachali Topi(Cap). It gives me the sense of Pahadi culture and traditions. I am seeing from my childhood people around me wearing this Topi. Himachalis feel pride in wearing this Topi .I don’t know the history of its origin, but it has become a part of our traditional attire from ages. It is said that people in the past use to wear this Topi for covering their head in chilly winters to protect themselves from cold. Eventually this became the traditional attire of Himachali people in their day to day lives. Slowly it became the symbol and identity of pahadi people.

There are different types of Himachali Caps — Bushahri , Kulluwi , Kinnauri and Lahuli. These differ in their designs. People from specific areas have their own Topis. I am not sure but Bushahri Topi is considered to be the origin of traditional Topis in Himachal.Both men and women in Kinnaur wear Kinnauri Topi.

Different Types of Himachali Caps

People in Himachal generally wear Topi as traditional attire in marriages , religious functions , fairs and other local events. People have tradition of presenting Himachali Topi as gift to their guests .Himachali Topi is more of cultural heritage for the people of Himachal. Its the legacy of our ancestors and it feels great to see this brand emerging from Himachal. People in Himcahal feel pride in their old culture and traditions and Himachali Topi is one of them.

In Recent Years , Himachali Topi has evolved as a brand. It is becoming a fashion trend with the people outside Himachal as well . It feels good to see this traditional master piece gaining popularity among youths in India. I feel these trends helps in integrating the people from different cultures and makes us more inclusive. These days its normal to see many celebrities ,politicians , models and people from other parts of India and abroad wearing this Himachali Cap .Its great to see how we are making our old traditional attires as modern fashion trends.

Let me wear my Topi now and for you also its worth trying if you are visiting Himachal.

