The Data Dialectic: applying the methodology of dialogue to data science

Ankur Mehta
8 min readNov 30, 2017

(8 min read)

Blindfolded men and an elephant — how the truth is multifaceted

Executive Summary:

The powerful and time tested methodology of asking thought provoking questions is commonly known as the dialectic. It is found in many philosophies, including the Socratic method as well as in Hindu tradition, where the technique of successive questioning is used to uncover multiple different viewpoints and shed light on different aspects of the ‘truth’. This technique can extract immense benefits in business analytics and data science projects. Though data may appear innocuously factual and simple, the underlying processes which generate the data may be highly complex, circumstantial or convoluted. Making conclusions based on data without using a questioning or investigative technique could lead to short-sighted or even incorrect actions.

How the liberal arts can work in harmony with data science:

Data science, analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence are immensely popular fields of study today. These fields could benefit immensely by drawing upon the immense reservoir of knowledge and techniques from older subjects far afield — from the humanities and liberal arts. The humanities and liberal arts include ‘soft’ fields such as philosophy, literature, history, art and theology among others. Does it…



Ankur Mehta

Management Consultant & Digital Transformation Evangelist