Get started with Microsoft Team Connectors (Incoming Webhook) — -

2 min readSep 7, 2018

Like every programming language begins with “Hello World” program.

Here is one small “Hello World” example to get started with Microsoft Team Connector.

Login in to Office365 and go to Teams —

Make a Sample team and add members to it. By default, you will get ‘General’ channel.

Go to General channel, Where you can find connector as shown below -

Click on Connectors and select “Incoming Webhook”.

Install the webhook and give a name as “helloWorld”.

Click on “create” button to get Webhook URL. Copy the URL in some text editor.

Go to online curl request generator —

Body -


“@context”: “",

“@type”: “MessageCard”,

“text”: “Hello World !”


Copy the curl request and paste in terminal. Hit Enter button. This can also be done via POSTMAN to send a request.


References -

