Travelling to the UK: New ETA Scheme Requires Authorization for Visa-Free Visitors

Ankush Makde
2 min readJun 20, 2023



Traveling to England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, or Wales will soon require visitors to obtain an Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) as the United Kingdom unveils its own scheme. This article explores the new ETA system, its implications for visa-free travelers, and its alignment with international practices.

Understanding the ETA Scheme

The United Kingdom has announced the implementation of an ETA system for visa-free travelers, excluding British and Irish citizens. Starting in 2024, visitors will be required to obtain an ETA and pay a fee before entering the country. This development follows the UK’s departure from the European Union.

ETA Application and Validity

The ETA will be available at an approximate cost of £10, providing a two-year validity period. This authorization permits multiple visits to the UK during its duration or until the traveler’s passport expires, whichever comes first. The government asserts that the cost is competitive and comparable to similar international schemes established by partner nations.

Simplified Application Process

The ETA application process is expected to take between 48 to 72 hours. It will be electronically linked to the traveler’s passport, streamlining the procedure. Once approved, visitors will have the freedom to explore any part of the UK and stay for up to 180 days (6 months).

Phased Implementation

The ETA scheme will be launched in a phased manner, beginning with Qatari nationals on October 25, 2023. Subsequently, citizens of Jordan, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia will be included on February 1, 2024. By the end of 2024, visitors from the rest of the world will also be required to obtain an ETA.

Global Alignment and Benefits

The introduction of the ETA system aligns the United Kingdom with similar practices adopted by various nations. For instance, the United States has implemented an electronic travel authorization system since 2009. The UK’s decision reflects the global trend of regulating entry and ensuring security while facilitating smooth travel processes.


As the United Kingdom prepares to implement its own ETA scheme, visa-free travelers are urged to familiarise themselves with the new requirements. Obtaining an ETA and paying the associated fee will be essential for visiting England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, or Wales from 2024 onward. By aligning with international practices, the UK aims to ensure safety, streamline entry processes, and facilitate exploration for visitors from around the world.

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